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What is ODBC?

According to Microsoft:

More information can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/data/odbc/

What do you mean "MySQL is ODBC Compliant"?

MySQL is ODBC Compliant, which means once you setup a DSN (data source name) on your local PC that points to an online mySQL database, you can actually add/delete and update records from your local PC.

Note: In order to connect to and manipulate an online mySQL database, you must be connected to the Internet.

Why, Who and How can this be used?

Setting up ODBC on your PC to access your online mySQL database.

Requirements: Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0

  1. Download the ODBC Download myodbc for your version of Windows from here.
  2. Unzip the file into a temp directory and run program "setup.exe"
  3. From the "Install Drivers" window, choose MySQL.
  4. After installing the MySQL ODBC driver, the install program will show the "Data Sources" window.  Click "Add."
    Note: On Windows NT 4.0, you'll get a message saying "This application uses the old version of CTL3D32.DLL..." Just ignore it for the moment.
  5. From the "Add Data Source" Window, fig. 1, choose MySQL from the list box and click the OK button.

    Fig 1.
  6. You should now be looking to a window similar to Fig.2 below:

    Fig 2

    Fill out the fields in the DSN setup window according to the instructions (in dark red characters) on Fig. 2 and click the OK button.  This will setup a MySQL DSN  on your local PC.

  7. You may start using the MySQL Data Source in your PC programs.

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