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Once you've logged into WebMail, please don't use the "Back" and "Forward" -buttons of your browser. While they might sometimes work, they often cause unpredictable errors like "POST Data expired".


World Wide Web Hosts Net WebMail

WebMail offers you an easy way to read your email anywhere. All you need is a computer connected to Internet, any web browser and a POP3-compliant mailbox. You're no longer limited to you own computer - you can safely use any computer anywhere to read your mail without reconfiguring email software and without downloading your mail to the computer you're using.

Logging in to WebMail is simple, just find out the username and password of your POP3-compliant mailbox and enter http://www.yourdomain.com/up. If this does not seem to work, please consult your system administrator.

If you're planning to use the same mailbox with both WebMail and a traditional offline client like Eudora, Netscape Mail or Outlook Express, note that these clients normally delete all your messages from your mailserver leaving WebMail nothing to read. Just go through the options of these programs and tell them to leave (a copy of) the messages to the mailserver.



WebMail is very secure when used correctly with a decent browser. When you log in, your messages are transferred from your mailbox temporarily to the server WebMail is running on, and when you log out, the temporary copies are deleted leaving no trails of your visit. Care has been taken so that browser should not leave a copy of your messages to it's cache.

For WebMail to be as secure as we intented, please log out after you're done with your mail. After you log out, the only information that will stay on the server about you are your options (including your real name, email address and your address book).


Inbox contains a brief listing of all the messages you have on your mailbox. To read a message, click on the senders name. To delete messages, select messages using the checkboxes on the left and click "Delete selected". Clicking "[Reverse]" will reverse the sorting order of your messages.

Some of the messages might be marked with icons: new, unread messages with "[New]", high-priority messages with "[!]", messages containing attachments with "[Atch]" and messages that you have replied to with "R".



Just below the buttons you will see basic information about the message you are reading. Click "[Show all headers]" to see all the headers of the message or "[Show basic headers only]" to hide the messy ones. To save the email address of the sender to your address book, click "[Save address]".

If the message contains attachmets, you will see them either embedded to the message (often the case with images) or as a box containing basic information about the attachment. Clicking "Save attachment" will let you download and save the attachment and "View attachment as text" read the attachment in case it's readable.



This page will let you change your options: name, email address, language and so on.

We require you to fill out your name and email address so that the messages you'll send will have correct information about the sender. We will never give out or sell this information for any purpose.

If the options you'll see on this page are not enough, click "Advanced options". You'll get a smaller window full of customizable variables. Be careful when changing these, you might actually mess up your configuration so badly that it's not possible for you to change them back.


Address book

You can define nicknames for all the email addresses that you frequently use using the address book.

Each entry in the address book requires a nickname for a person or group and their email addresses. A nickname is an easily remembered, shorter substitute for the email addresses in the entry. Nicknames can be used in place of the real email addresses in the To, CC and BCC fields of outgoing messages.

Use the following format when adding entries (one row / entry):
Nickname: email1, email2, .....

Company Staff: george@WWW-Hosts.Net, sally@WWW-Hosts.Net
Errors: errors@WWW-Hosts.Net
You can optionally use blank lines to separate groups of nicknames.


Message composition

To/CC/BCC: These fields are for the email addresses of the recipients of your message. You can type in complete email addresses (user@domain.com) and/or nicknames from your address book. You can also try typing the first few letters of a nickname and pushing [TAB] to complete the nick (whether this works or not depends on your browser). When sending a message to more than one recipient, separate the addresses with a comma.

You can optionally attach one file to your message: if there's a button on the right side of the field "Attachment" that says "Browse..." your browser supports this feature. Click the button and choose the file you want to attach. You may have to change the "Files of type:" to "All Files (*.*)" to see the all the files in your directory.

When attaching files, please note that the maximum size of one attachment is around 500 KB's. Bigger files might get through, but there's no guarantee. Also note that sending a message with an attachment may take a long time, up to half an hour.

If you'd like to continue the message you're writing at a later time, click "Save draft". Your message will then be saved so that you can start working on it again at any time you want. Remember that attachements will not be saved to the draft.


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