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Alacart Shopping Cart

Click on the Shopping Cart option in your Control Panel and then click <Install Shopping Cart> to install the cart. It will take the system approximately 10 minutes to complete the install. After 10 minutes return to your Control Panel and click on the Shopping Cart option once more. You will now see two links at the bottom of the page that will take you to where you setup the administrative part of the shopping cart, i.e. assign a username and password for the administrator of the cart. This area must be completed before you can go into the actual cart itself.

Once you have assigned a username and password you can enter the cart and change the look and feel of the cart itself so that it corresponds with your own web pages.

The best advice we can give you is to install the shopping cart into your account and go play with it. Everything is pretty much self-explanatory and you will be given detailed explanations of areas that require more detailed input. There is also an extensive Help file that will answer most of your questions.

We have not provided any type of documentation for this area of our manual due to the documentation that is available to you once you install the Shopping Cart feature to your account.

Take a look at one of our clients shopping carts
an Alabanza demo using AlaCart
and a sample AlaCart administration suite [Username/Password: democart/alabanza]

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