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New User Agreement

Terms of Registration for Traders Post-Auction
You must Agree to all terms and conditions of this document before registering with this Auction Site.

Eligibility of membership

Traders Post-Auction is only available to people who are legally able to form binding contracts with you and the seller/buyer of an auction item. People who are under the age of 16 may trade on Traders Post only with verification from their Parent/Guardian by emailing the AuctionMaster.
Under 16 get your parents to contact me first or you will be banned if you continue.


Traders Post-Auction is only providing auction services - We only provide services to people interested in selling and buying merchandise via internet auction. We do not have control over the items that are posted in the auction site, and cannot guarantee the authenticity and quality of a said product. We are not responsible for the actions the sellers takes, before, during, and after the auction, typographical errors, mis-prints, loss of merchandise/money, damage or failure of equipment, due to your visit or participation at this auction site.
Use of this site is at your own risk, and content is presented 'As-Is'.


As a Member, you may sell merchandise over Traders Post-Auction at no charge.

    As a seller - the item that you place up for bids must be real. Pre-sales are not accepted. Once a bid has been placed for your item, you are being placed in a binding contract with the potential buyer of the product, if that bid shall be the highest bid. Once the auction is over, if over reserve price, you are obligated to sell to the potential buyer which is the highest bidder in your auction. If the reserve price was not met, you are not obilgated in any way to sell this item at all.

We do have restrictions on what items you may sell, and what you may not sell. You may not sell illegal merchandise, including pirated software and music, firearms, or anything that is affiliated with Violence, etc.
Being a family site, please don't put up any pornographic images, they will be removed.
Items that are up to bids are subject to review by the staff of Traders Post-Auction , and may be removed without prior notice, if in violation with the User Agreement.

Sellers who post more than 50 items and have more than 10 successful auctions/ads per month may have a 50% refund of any charges i.e. Feature listings, upon application.


As a Member, you may bid for or buy merchandise over Traders Post-Auction at no charge.

    As a bidder - you know that placing a bid is a binding contract with you and the seller, and the bid cannot be retracted unless due to fault by the seller of typographical error, or other error, due to human error on the seller's part. Once you place a bid, and if you win, you will be obligated to buy the product at the said price you indicated as your bid. Placing a bid on this auction site, and winning, then not paying for the product is illegal, and prosecution can result to you by the member concerned.


Posting an item up for bid, bidding on an item, and registering are free at Traders Post-Auction. Do not abuse this privilege.


We gather your information for Security reasons and is not given out to anyone.
The only information about you that is made public is your Username and Trading email address so that other people can contact you when they win your auction, or you win their auction. Personal information is not sold or rented without your permission. Personal information sent to a user regarding a product bought or sold on the auction is not to be used for any other purpose, except for communication concerning the auction item.


Only 1 registration per person. If you have previously registered

please do not re-register

Contact the AuctionMaster with all the details you can remember.

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