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Real Audio / Real Video

You can stream RealMedia files by following these instructions:

You will need to create a .ram file that calls your real audio/video file. The .ram file is a text file with an absolute URL. This URL will need to be:


Typically you'll create a realaudio file subdirectory under domain-www, and put all your audiofiles there.

Then your .ram file, a.k.a., metafile, will contain an address with this format:


The "subdirectory" is a subdirectory of your domain-www directory.

So for example: http://yourdomain.com/musicfiles/music.rm
Notice: The above address goes in the .ram/metafile, not in your html.

Your html calls the .ram/metafile. Then the .ram/metafile is used to call up the .rm/realmedia file. So for example, your htm code would look something like this:

<a href="http://musicforyou.com/ra/music.ram">Click here to listen to music.</a>

For further support and information, visit Real.com

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