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Protect Directory

This Option is not available for FrontPage users.

The Protect Directory Option in your Control Panel allows you to restrict access to a particular directory within your account and allowing access by assigning usernames and passwords to individuals that you choose to allow such access.

When you click on this option you will be taken to the following screen where you are asked to upload the directory that you wish to Password Protect. You can select the particular directory from the drop down list and then click load.

Once you click load you will be taken to the following screen. The top section of this screen is basically a repeat of the first screen and should reflect the directory you have loaded. The bottom section is where you assign usernames and passwords. Complete this section for each user you are allowing access and clicking submit to save each entry.

NOTE: Usernames and passwords MUST be from 6 to 8 characters long. Any less than 6 or greater than 8 will cause your protected directory cease to function and you will receive an error when trying to enter the directory.

Once you have added users, you will see a list of these above the boxes where you add them, there will be a delete option next to each one which will allow you to delete them when you no longer want them to have access.

That is the easy way...you can also add the required lines to your .htaccess file (if there isn't one just create a new text doc and name it .htaccess). Add the username and password, upload the file in ASCII to directory you wish to protect.

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