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The setup of every single email item available to your account is automated by your /controlpanel.   (Located at http://www.yourdomain.com/cpanel/ Thus, there is no need to contact the technical staff to setup any of your pop3 accounts, forwards, aliases, lists, or auto-responders.  Simply check out the Email section of your /cpanel/, and then the various options within.

Within each menu, there is a small help guide explaining the exact purpose of each item.

It is a simple process to set up your accounts to send emails. We have included instructions for the four most popular email clients below.

Outlook Express
Eudora Lite
Microsoft Explorer
Microsoft Outlook


1. Click on the Tools menu and select Accounts.

2. Click on the Add button and select Mail. This will bring up the Internet Connection Wizard window.


3. For the Display name, enter your full name and click on the Next button.

NOTE: You can use whatever you want here with both upper and lower case letters.

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4. For the Email address, enter: anything@yourdomain.com

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5. For the option My incoming mail server is a, choose: POP3

6. For the Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server field, enter: mail.yourdomain.com

7. For the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server field, enter mail.yourdomain.com

8. Click on the Next button to continue.

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9. For the POP account name field, enter your user name. Any pop 3 accounts that you setup will have your email address as the username. For example, if you request mailto:home@mydomain.com, the actual login for that pop3 box will be "mailto:home@mydomain.com"   So your username would be "anything@yourdomain.com".

10. For the Password field, enter your password only if you want the program to save it. This allows you to check your e-mail without the need of typing in your password at the beginning of every session.

11. Click on the Next button to continue.

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12. The next screen asks for Internet mail account name. You can leave this option at it's default: mail.yourdomain.com

13. Click on the Next button to continue.

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14. In this screen, choose the option I will establish my Internet connection manually.

15. Click on the Next button to continue.

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16. Click on the Finish button and you're done!


This is a mail program that runs under MS Windows and Macintosh OS. Eudora connects to the mail server over the Winsock or Macintosh TCP/IP. Mail may be composed and read off line, but make sure that Winsock or TCP/IP is running before attempting to send or receive email. Although your account exists on our server, you won't be able to receive email at yourname@yourdomain.com until your domain name becomes live on the WWW.

After Eudora has been installed, it must be configured to point to your server. To do this, start Eudora and select "Settings" from the menu bar. Most of the options are self explanatory. Here are the steps you need to perform to set up Eudora:

(1) Select Tools...Personalities.
(2) Right click the left-hand side of the screen. Select 'New'.
(3) The 'New Account Wizard' will appear. Type in a name for this account and select 'Next>'.
(4) Select 'Create a brand new email account' and select 'Next>'.
(5) Type in your actual name (not your email address) and select 'Next>'.
(6) Type in the email address you wish for people to send email to (this can be an alias or a true POP box). Select 'Next>'.
(7) Type in the true user for this POP box (this is NOT an alias). Select 'Next>'.
(8) Select 'POP' for type of incoming mail server. Then type in mail.yourdomainname.com   in 'Incoming Mail Server' field. Select 'Next>'.
(9) Select 'Finish'.
(10) Right-click on the new personality created, and select 'Modify'.
(11) In the 'SMTP Server' field, type mail.yourdomainname.com

That's pretty much all the configuration Eudora needs. Many of the configuration areas will be filled in when you go to them, for instance it will usually fill in the POP account info where ever it needs it after you enter it the first time. Now, when you select "Check Mail" under the File menu, a window will pop up asking for your password. Enter in your password then click on the proceed button and Eudora will check to see if you have email. You can now send a test email message to yourself and then check to see if it gets returned to you.
Once you have completed the above steps, you can now send email from your email client. The next step would be to create multiple accounts using your email accounts that you have created with your domain. When setting up additional accounts, you can use mail.mydomain.com for the outgoing email and using the return email address for your domain mail account. Your domain account (mail.mydomainname.com) would be your incoming SMPT and this would look something like this: (depending on what email accounts you have created) anything@yourdomain.com and then you would enter your username (remember your username will be the same as your email address)  and password that you have setup for that particular email address.

Your default email address is yourdomain@yourdomain.com, and that's where all your email will be sent to, unless other configurations take priority (such as autoresponders and redirects mentioned later).

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The following samples assumes that your domain is mydomain.com  and your username is anything.

Full name = name
Email = anything@mydomain.com
Internet Mail server = mail.mydomain.com
Account = anything@mydomain.com (same as your email address)
Pass = xxxxxx ( password)
Smtp = mail.mydomain.com
From = anything@mydomain.com (this can be set to any email account you have setup for your domain.

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Your Name = name
Email Address = anything@mydomain.com
Reply to = anything@fred.com (this can be your email address for your domain)
Mail Server username = anything@mydomain.com (same as your email address)
Outgoing Smtp =  mail.mydomain.com
Incoming Smtp= mail.mydomain.com

To check numerous POP accounts, read the manual or help files that come with your email client software for configuration.

If you are familiar with the shell (Unix) programs, "pine" and "mail", you can use either of these to check and send email as well.

Netscape Communicator:
1. After loading Netscape Composer, choose Edit -> Preferences
2. Click on Identity
3. Add your personal information.
4. Click on Mail Server.
5. The SMTP server would be mail.mydomain.com
6. Virtual Domain Customers should enter their domain name for "incoming mail server".
7. Put your username in the Mail server user name box. (username is same as your email address)

Netscape Navigator:
1. After loading Netscape Navigator, choose Options --> Mail and News Preferences
2. Click on Identity
3. Add your personal information.
4. Click on Servers.
5. The SMTP server would be mail.mydomain.com
6. Virtual Domain Customers should enter their domain name for "Incoming Mail (POP) Server".
7. Put your username in the POP user ID: box. (username will be the same as your email address)

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1. After loading Outlook, choose Tools... --> Services ...
2. Click add, and choose Internet E-Mail. Click OK.
3. In the General tab of the email Properties dialog box, fill in your personal information.
4. Click on the Servers tab, and fill in the server information. The Outgoing Mail (SMTP) should be mail.mydomain.com. The incoming mail server should be mail.mydomain.com: Put in your mailbox username (username will be the same as your email address) in the account name field, and the password below. Click OK.
5. Your new settings will not take effect until you choose Exit and Log off on the File menu, and then restart Microsoft Outlook.

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