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MySQL Table Select

From this page you can perform a SELECT operation on the table.

The list box in the upper left contains the names of all the fields in the table. Select from the list box the columns you wish to see in your result set.

Any valid WHERE clause can be entered in the "Add search conditions" text box.

The field names and a text box are listed again under the "Do a 'query by example'" bullet. These can be used build a WHERE clause more easily than typing the entire clause into the textbox above. Each entry becomes a condition of the WHERE clause. The conditional operator used is LIKE which allows the wildcard operators "%" and "_"  to represent zero or more characters, and a single character, respectively.

SELECT Name, Telephone
FROM Phonebook 
The wildcard characters can both appear in the same string and can appear more than one as needed. Note that using no wildcard characters is equivalent to using "=" instead of LIKE. LIKE is generally slower than "=" since MySQL must still check for wildcards characters. To use "=" or other conditions you must type them in the general WHERE clause textbox.

Press the Go button at the bottom of the page to process the select statement. If any records are found, they will be displayed in a table for you.

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