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Using The MySQL Control Panel

The MySQL feature inside your Control Panel is where you manage your database, including desiging tables, adding, deleting, and updating records, all from within your web browser.

When you first click on the MySQL feature, you will be asked to provide a name for your database and a password, you can use the same username and password that you use for your Control Panel if you so desire. Once the database is created, and you return to this feature inside your Control Panel it will then become the Welcome page for your database. A tree view is on the left. The name of your database and the version of MySQL are displayed to the right of the tree.

The Tree

The top entry in the tree, “Home,” will return you to the Welcome page. Beneath that is your database name and a square with a plus or minus sign in it. Clicking the square will show and hide the names of the tables in the database in the tree. Clicking on the database name in the tree will display the main database management page. Clicking on one of the tables names in the tree will display the properties of that table.

The Main Database Management Page

This page displays a list of all the tables in your database and the number of records in each. You can also execute an SQL statement, perform advanced queries, dump the database, and create new tables.

The List of Tables

Next to each table name are links to various actions you can perform on a table.
  • Browse Display the records in the table 30 at a time. From the Browse page you can edit or delete a record.

  • Select Build and execute a SELECT query on the table. Only those records which match the criteria you provide will be displayed.

  • Insert Add a new record to the table. Enter the data in the fields provided. Various functions can be used to obtain the current time, generate random numbers, and more. Press the Save button to insert the record into the table.

  • Properties Display the fields in the table with their datatype and attributes. Table management functions for the table are also provided.

  • Drop Remove the table and its contents from the database. Once you do this neither the table nor the data will be available.

  • Empty Delete all of the records in the table. Once you do this the table will still exits but the data in the table will no longer be available.

Execute an SQL Statement

Any SQL statement can be executed on your database by typing it into the textbox labled “Run SQL query/queries on database” and pressing the “Go” button. For help with SQL statements ???

Query by example

Advanced queries can be built and executed using a graphical interface.

View dump (schema) of database

Dumping of the database displays the structure and or data contained in the database. You can then save this information to a file on your local computer for archiving or to aide in the development of your database. The contents and format of the dump are based on the radio button and check box selections you make. See also View dump (schema) of table.

Create a new table

Create a new table by typing in the name of the table and the number of fields to be in the table and pressing the “Go” button. You will be shown a page which will allow you to set up the datatype and attributes of each field.

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