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MySQL Overview

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is the most common language used for accessing a database. It has been in use for many years by many database vendors. Many consider it the best database language to use. It is used by the MySQL database feature inside your control panel.

Without going into the technical details, SQL is a language which consists of a set of commands that you issue to create, make changes to, and retrieve data from a database. Here are some SQL command examples.

These commands can be issued through a Graphical User Interface or by embedding them in a computer program that you write.

The MySQL Control Panel provided as part of your account is a GUI that works over the internet through your web browser. This makes it very convenient for administration of web based database applications. Setting up and managing your database will be done through the MySQL Control Panel.

To allow access to your database through your web site, you will need to create Common Gateway Interface scripts. These scripts are small computer programs which run on the web hosting server and are activated by clicking on a link or a button in a web page. This will allow users of your web site to interact with your web site in a more meaningful manner. Using CGI scripts and MySQL you can maintain account information on visitors, allow people to search and browse catalogs, and much more. See Using MySQL with CGI scripts for documentation on how to set up such scripts.

MySQL is an implementation of the SQL language developed by TcX. It is robust, quick, and very flexible. It provides all of the standard SQL datatypes and commands. MySQL is provided as part of your web site account at no additional charge. MySQL is pronounced “My Ess Que Ell.”

For step by step instruction on how to preform some common tasks see the Quick Actions page.

Detailed documentation, licensing information, and much more can be found at the MySQL web site. Many books are available which describe SQL in detail. If you plan on doing much database development, it is recommended that you review one or more of these.

Please note that World Wide Web Hosts Net does not provide technical or development support for MySQL applications.

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