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Below are instructions on how to setup and configure MySQL for your account using the control panel.

Go to your online control panel and click on the advanced menu. Once there you click on MySQL. First you create a database then create a user. After you have created the database and user you must then add the user to the database. To do this click on the drop down list box in the middle of the page and locate the specific user that is associated with the particular database and click add user. Be advised that the username which you created using the control panel will have the prefix of of your main account login name. (ex: if your main account login name is joe and the MySQL user that you created is datab the control panel will create the mysql user joe_datab.

Below is information on how to write database connection code using PHP.

$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","mysql_login","password") or
die("Couldn't connect to server.");
$db = mysql_select_db("phpdevdb",$connection)  or die("Couldn't select database.");

To use phpMyAdmin to manage your database. You can access phpMyAdmin at:

Due to the technical nature of Mysql we are not able to provide support. However we had listed many references below that you will find helpful.

References and Tutorials


MySQL and mSQL
Randy Jay Yarge, George Reese, and Tim King
O'Reilly & Associates
ISBN 1565924347

The Practical SQL Handbook: Using Structured Query Language
Judith S. Bowman, Sandra L. Emerson and Marcy Darnovsky
ISBN 0201626233

Understanding SQL
Martin Gruber
ISBN 0895886448

Teach Yourself Sql in 21 Days
Ryan K. Stephens (Editor), Ronald R. Plew, Bryan Morgan, jeff Perkins
Sams Publishing
ISBN 0672311100

Be sure to check for the most current edition.

Web Sites

The MySQL site has an SQL reference and lots of information about MySQL in particular.


Beginning MySQL Tutorial

Another SQL tutorial is available on the net at


There are various newsgroups under the comp.database group which deal with databases.
Always a good place to start.

Mailing Lists

The MySQL site lists in their documentation page a number of mailing lists concerning MySQL and SQL.

More on MySQL

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