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Mail Manager

Mail Manager Overview

Within your Mail Manager you are able to create new pop3 email accounts, change passwords for your email accounts, delete a pop3 account, forward email, and create autoresponders. Below is a screen shot of what you will see when you first enter your Mail Manager. You will initially see two email accounts, one named your username and one named default, these were created by the system - DO NOT DELETE either of these or your email will cease to function and simply recreating them will not fix the problem.


Creating New Pop3 Accounts

To create a new Pop3 Email account simply click on the "New Address" link located under your default accounts and you will be taken to the following screen. (follow the instruction in red)


Change Password

To change the password for an email account, simply click on the pop3 account you wish to change the password for and you will be taken to the following screen. (follow the instructions in red)


Delete A Pop3 Email Account

To delete one of your Pop3 email accounts, simply click on the address you want to delete and then click on the delete link as indicated in the screenshot below. You will be asked to confirm deletion, simply click yes and the account will be removed.


Forwarding Email

You can forward email coming to any of your Pop3 accounts that you have created within your account to another account you have created or to an account outside of your domain by simply clicking on the email account that you want to forward and you will be taken to the the same screen where you change the password and delete the account. Below those areas you will see the following part of the screen and you will see a list of the email accounts that you have created, simply click on the account where you want to forward the email to or you can move further down the screen and type in the email address located outside of your domain where you would like the email to be forwarded to.

Once you've made your choices, just be sure to scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the save button to save your changes.


Create Autoresponders

You can create an autoresponder for any Pop3 email account that you have listed in your Mail Manager. Simply click the email account that you want to create an autoresponder for and you will be taken to the same screen that you Change Password, Delete, or choose Forwarding Options for that email account. Scroll to the bottom section of that screen and you will see the following box. Click the box to indicate you are including an autoresponse when this email address receives email and then type in your response for the autoresponder, you then click save to save your changes.


About Email Aliases

You never have to create email aliases. Your default email account is setup as a "Catch All" account, meaning that any email coming to anything@yourdomain.com is delivered to your default account.
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