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To access your mail via your browser use http://yourdomain.com/webmail/

Understanding Your Mail Server
As a linux customer, the setup of every single email item available to your account is automated by your /controlpanel.   (Located at http://www.yourdomain.com/cpanel/ Thus, there is no need to contact the technical staff to setup any of your pop3 accounts, forwards, aliases, lists, or auto-responders.  Simply check out the Email section of your /cpanel/, and then the various options within.

Within each menu, there is a small help guide explaining the exact purpose of each item. We have outlined a few additional points below:

  • Remember to always use "mail.yourdomain.com" as the incoming (pop3) and outgoing (smtp) server in your local email client, such as Outlook Express.

  • In the linux mail control center, the forwarding function provides forwarding to outer address, and can be used to alias one account to another.  Thus, if you want mike@homepage.net to head to a pop3 account of slim@aol.com, use a forward to make this happen.

  • Any pop3 accounts you setup will use your email address as the login. For example, if you request mouser@cheesewhiz.org, the actual login for that pop3 box will be "mouser@cheesewhiz.org".

  • If you forget the exact login of one of your pop3 accounts, simply head over to the "pop account" menu within your /cpanel/ to find out exactly what the logins are.

  • Your "default address" is the root catch-all mailbox. It receives messages heading to all addresses which aren't setup as unique pop accounts within your domain. Keep in mind that the default address account does NOT have a prefix, like other pop accounts. The login for your default address is the same as the main FTP login for your account.

  • If it seems that you cannot lock a pop3 account to retrieve messages for any reason, the quickest way to solve this for yourself is to delete and recreate the account with your /cpanel. This saves time as it bypasses asking our support staff for assistance. Yes, the changes you make to your email items with your /cpanel are done in real time.

  • The mailing list feature is very simple, please keep that in mind.  If you require a more powerful listserv program, you should probably look elsewhere.  We cannot utilize a robust listserv on our webhosting machines without causing the server's overall performance to suffer.
  • Hopefully this helps! Remember that the mail functionality for your domain won't be available on our servers until your entire domain is registered to our nameservers.

Email Trouble

If you are having problems related to receiving or sending email messages at your domain, this section is for you. Check through the headers below for help on the exact situation you are experiencing. Also, please be sure that your domain is registered and resolving on our nameservers before you start using the email services provided with UltraSpeed.

Can't send mail:

Our SMTP servers are configured as secure relays. This means that you cannot simply reference "mail.yourdomain.com" as an Outgoing mailserver unless you successfully log in via one of your pop3 accounts at "mail.yourdomain.com' before you try to send. This is a mandatory setting to prevent spammers from using our mailservers as havens for unsolicited email. If you are getting a "relaying prohibited" or "disconnected by administrator" error, it means that you haven't logged into the pop3 server at your domain before you tried to send through the smtp server at your domain. To log in, you need to check for mail first.

In addition to this, you might not be able to send regardless of if you check mail successfully. Some ISPs have it set so that their users cannot use an outbound SMTP server to relay messages. If you are still experiencing problems sending through your domain, and are certain that you have logged in via pop3 to an account at your domain, you might want to contact your local ISP to see if they do allow their users to use outbound smtp servers.

Finally, we'd like to clear up a common misconception of many users: the smtp relay you use to send out your messages has absolutely no bearing on the address your recipient sees as the sender. If you do end up having to use your local ISPs SMTP server, it will not prevent you from sending messages from address @yourdomain. For example, let's say that you have the domain "hompage.net". You can configure your email client to send from the address "admin@whatever.com" even if your outgoing (smtp) mail server is set as "mail27.prodigy.net" - your recipient will still see the message as being sent from "admin@whatever.com" regardless of the smtp server you use to send it. Be sure that your incoming (pop3) server is set to "mail.homepage.net", of course.

Your default root email account:
Every account starts out with a default "catch-all" account for its domain. This email box will grab all mail heading to ANYNAME@yourdomain.com. The login for this box is simply the same main account login you received after signing up. Thus, if your root account is "test@homepage.net" (login of "homepage" - first 8 letters of your domain), there is no need to request an alias to your root account, because all names under your domain already are filtered into this account.

Can't lock account:
A common cause of this is that the e-mail account is being accessed already or it is still open from another mail checking session. Solution: Retry in about 30 minutes. If it still does not work it is possible that you are using the wrong user / password combination.

Please remember that POP accounts logins will use your email address as the login.The mail control panel of your account keeps this information for you, so please check there to correct any login problems.

Any Username And Password Error:
The main cause for this is trying to access the e-mail account with the wrong user / password. Remember you will use your email address as the login. If all else fails, simply remove, and then recreate the account with your mail control panel.

If none of this helps, then most likely the pop3 box in question has a received a corrupted message. Contact our support team and tell them to clear that box out. Usually this results in most or all of that particular mailbox's contents being erased.

Problems resolving your mailhost:
If you find that you can't get "mail.yourdomain.com" to resolve as a valid SMTP or POP3 server, please be sure that your domain is registered to our nameservers. Also, try clearing out your cache and cookies and then restarting your computer.

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