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Local News

"If you have a local interest story you would like to share please e-mail the Editor."

| Lord of the Rings Filming Started | Ski Passes |
| Mountain WARNING | Easter Snow Fall | Scholarship |
|Keith Chapple QSO  | World Champions | Top NZ Dealer


Top New Zealand Dealer

Taumarunui based Bike Torque, owned by Russell Josiah has been name New Zealand's top Suzuki Dealer this year. Put simply, the local firm sold more Suzuki bikes than any of the 60 other outlets in the country.

Mr Josiah attributes the strong rural economy as a major factor for the award. Big city dealers like Colemans cannot understand it.

Bike Torque employs 11 staff and sponsors 12 different riders in motocross, junior motocross, hare scramble, enduro and road racing. Mr Josiah, who retired form international racing at 35 estimates Bike Torque has taken more New Zealand titles through sponsorship than any other outlet

Local "Lord of the Rings" Footage

Peter Jackson and his crew  filmed parts of the movie "Lord of the Rings" in the Tongariro National Park earlier this year. The use of the National Park had been in doubt because the Department of Conservation, which administers our national parks, would not allow the uses of helicopters and horses in the park. Helicopters remainedl banned and the film crews had to stay close to the road and in areas commonly used by the public.

Nearly 500 cast and crew were involved, and most accommodation businesses in the area were booked out.

The decision to allow filming of The Lord of the Rings to take place in the Tongariro National Park is a great bonus for the area.

 This movie will provide much need international exposure for our region, enhancing the fact that this is a great place to live, work and play.


Early Start To Ski Season

Both ski fields on Mt Ruapehu have opened by mid-June. This is the earliest start for a number of years. People who purchased the season passes earlier in the year will be issued with tempory ones if their passes have not yet been processed.

Turoa Matches Whakapapa

Turoa has matched Whakapapa’s season pass price of $199. 

Whakapapa has sold more than 200 passes since the price announcement last week. The season pass price will rise after the end of this month (April).

Turoa Ph 06 385 8456

e-mail information@turoa.co.nz

Whakapapa Ph: 0800 942 527 or http://www.whakapapa.co.nz

Cheap Whakapapa Season Passes

Season passes for Whakapapa-The Magic Mountain are only $199 for adults, at the moment. (April)

Next month, it will cost you another $100


Easter Snow Fall

Snow and ice created slippery conditions on the Desert Road over Easter. Several minor accidents were reported. Motorists stopping to look at and play in the snow made conditions worse because of cars parked on the roadside. The same snowfall has raised hopes for a good ski season. Over 10 centimetres of snow fell on Whakapapa on Monday night. It’s good news too for the more than 20,000 people who have applied for season passes at an early bird discount rate of $199 for adults. 

Mountain Users Warned

Climbers considering taking on Mount Ruapehu have been warned to be extremely cautious now that winter is upon us. The Department of Conservation (D.O.C.) says all climbers and trampers should be aware of possible ice and snow, poor visibility and much colder winds that come with the change of season.

Day trampers are also told to ensure that they are sufficiently prepared for the cooler conditions.

Stream water should be boiled for three minutes before drinking. Water should not be taken from the thermal areas or streams flowing from thermal areas.

For more information on the Tongariro Taupo Conservancy
Link for Department of Conservation


Keith Chapple, QSO

Local, long serving conservator, Keith Chapple of Kakahi, has received the Queen's Service Order.

"Twenty years ago I would not have been given this award. To have seen conservationists accepted and not reviled as cranks is the most satisfying part of my conservation career"

As President of The Royal Forest and Bird Society, Mr Chapple holds one of the most prestigious titles in conservation circles.

He has made a significant contribution over the last 25 years, in the legal case over the Whanganui River minimum flows, is a member of the Taranaki-Whanganui Conservation Board, and has extensively developed the Kaimamawa wildhorse project, serving on the Kaimanawa horse working committee.

The highlight of his career has probably been the Whanganui River Case, and in particular, the support he has gathered from various people. "To get the whole district up moving and shouting that they want to save our river is a highlight," said Mr Chapple.

From his home overlooking the confluence of the Whanganui River with the Whakapap, Keith was happy to receive the award, as much for the people who have worked with him on his many projects, without them there would not have been success.


Local KR Leadership Scholarship

Former Taumarunui High School Deputy Head Girl, Claire Tyers, has won the $5000 Kevin Roberts Leadership Scholarship. She will receive the award from Mr. Roberts, International boss for Saatchi and Saatchi, at the Waikato School of Management.


Just Rewards

Well-done Richard Hall for your sixth hole in one.  Richard puts a lot of time and effort into our
wonderful course, and the sport, in our area. Aces are a great reward. Richard has aced all the par
three holes at the Tarrangower Golf Course.


World Champions Peeti and Remini

Local ladies, Leeanne Peeti and Tina Remini won the World Wool Handling Team Championship title recently in South Africa.

Peeti won the South African Open title before placing third in the World event She then teamed up with Remini to win the teams event.

And so our world champions list grows longer.



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