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How To Get Help

ALL Technical Support Requests must be sent using our Technical Support Request Form. Not only does this form contain the necessary information that will allow us to distinguish you from our other clients, but it also carries your request to the current support tech on duty. A link to this form is conveniently located throughout our web site...we recommend that you bookmark it for easier access.


Billing Support

All billing is handled in house by our billing department. If you have any questions regarding your statement, please contact us at accounts@World Wide Web Hosts Net.


Account Deactivations

There are only 3 reasons we deactivate accounts. 1) Non-payment, 2) Spamming violations, and 3) Non-compliance of our policies.

We must ask all of our clients to understand that just as they must take measures to protect their business, so must we. We provide hosting services for many individuals and businesses, therefore it is necessary for us to establish Policies and Guidelines that will protect both our company as well as those residing on our servers. If we were to alter our policies and guidelines for each situation that may arise in the course of a month, the reason to function as a business would cease to exist.
Payment Policy
All accounts must be paid on the due date, you will be invoiced 3 weeks beforehand with another reminder a few days before it's due (if not already paid).
Accounts not paid on time will be charged a 10% penalty on the amount owing. If still not paid 10 days after the due date, all web access will be disabled (Your pages will not be accessible over the web), if your account is still outstanding 1 month after the due date it will be deleted and the account sent to our Debt Collection Agency putting your credit rating at risk.
It is unfortunate that we have had to implement such harsh policy on account payments because of the abuse of a few.
Continued late payment will result in immediate html deactivation and you may be asked to find alternative hosting.
If your account has been deactivated due to non-payment, please contact our billing department at accounts@World Wide Web Hosts Net.

If your account has been deactivated due to non-compliance of our policies and guidelines, email us and we will review your account. We will more than likely re-activate your account if you will provide us with a Letter of Promise that you will not further compromise our policies and guidelines.

In EITHER case, we will not charge you a reactivation fee for first occurrence. After the first occurrence you will be charged a reactivation fee of $50. Third occurrence you will be charged $100. Fourth occurrence, you may be asked to locate a different hosting service.

If your account has been deactivated due to spamming violations you will not have the opportunity to reactivate your account on our servers. This violation is strictly controlled by the backbone itself. When this type of deactivation occurs it was done by the backbone and not World Wide Web Hosts Net. We have a strict non-spamming contract with our backbone providers and such deactivations are out of our control. All spamming violations are deactivated without option of reactivation. This rule as well as the consequences are set forth before your account is even activated on our servers, we will not beg the backbone for reconsideration.


Account Management (Hosting Admin)

This is the area where both our Regular Hosting Clients and our Resellers manage their accounts. This area is where you add accounts, cancel accounts, and upgrade accounts.


Account Cancellations

When you need to cancel an account, this is done within Hosting Admin (Reseller or Regular Hosting Client). The information that you provide us within that form assists us in canceling your account and the billing for that same account.


Down Servers

Well it happens and there is not much that can be done when it happens except to fix the problem, that is if the problem is on our side.

Once you've established an internet connection through your PC, your dial up travels through several points before the actual log in to our servers. If there are any problems, within or at any of those points, it will prevent you from logging into your account. This obviously is out of our control.

However, in the event that one of our servers do go down, we can assure you that we will be aware of it before you are and are working diligently to restore service. You are more than welcome to contact us, but don't be overly anxious if we do not respond immediately, it only means that our hands are full at the moment to correct the problem.

Remember, our online Technical Support Request Form is the most efficient means for providing technical support to our customers. You will find a link to this form throughout our web site. Please do not flood email boxes and telephone lines with support requests, we can only be sensitive to your needs if you will do the same for us.


Down Email

For obvious reasons if our servers are down or if you are experiencing problems connecting to your account for other reasons not involved with our servers, your email is not going to work either.

If you can log into your account as well as visit it through your browser, then something is wrong. However, before contacting Technical Support, be sure to walk through the setup of your email client to ensure that you have the correct settings.

Other problems might be due to changing your password recently. Changing passwords for your email and changing passwords for your Control Panel and FTP client are done in separate areas, so if you've done one but not the other, this may be your problem. Please refer to Chapter 8 - Changing Passwords for instructions and details.

If you have checked your settings and verified that it is not a password problem, submit the Technical Support Request and we will handle your request promptly. You will find a link to the Technical Support Request Form throughout our web site, we recommend that you bookmark it for easy access.


Before Contacting Technical Support

Please be sure to use all the resources available to you prior to contacting Technical Support.

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