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Sometimes setting up a new site, or even moving from one hosting comany to another can be confusing and frustrating sometimes. We understand how that can be, so to read through this Online Manual and if you still have questions, please submit your question to our support team.

If you have not registered your domain yet you can register it with us when you sign up

If you are transferring your domain or prefer to register it with another registrar here is the nameserver information you will need:
IP Address:
IP Address:

Domain name registrations and transfers normally take 24-72 hours from the time you apply for your new account. Once your domain name is activated or transferred, you will be able to use yourname.com instead of your IP number.  Virtual IP accounts that do not have static IPs can be accessed this way:

Every customer gets his own password protected username under Linux. By logging in to his username, the customer gains access to his web storage space. Every username "owns" a structure of disk subdirectories in the Linux file system. The "root" of this structure is the "home" directory, found at path "/home/username". Note that this is somewhat similar to the MS-DOS directory structure, except that there is no drive letter and forward slashes are used instead of backward slashes.

Inside the home directory is a subdirectory named "public_html". Every customer has his own separate "public_html" subdirectory. Files placed in "public_html" are visible to remote browsers over the Internet. As many clients are used to having their main directory refered to as "www", we have created another directory as such. When www is attempted to be accessed, the directory is automatically redirected to the correct public_html directory.

For example, when a browser asks for URL http://yourname.com/page.html, Apache looks for the file /home/username/public_html/page.html and sends it out. If you have not registered "yourdomain.com" with InterNIC and specified our servers as its domain server, then the remote browser must ask for URL to get the page, or the static IP number that you were supplied. Username/logins are always the first 8 digits of your domain name, or the the domain name itself if it is less than 8 digits.
The username for yourdomain.com would be "yourdoma".
The username for here.com would be "here".
Passwords are always 4-10 digits in length and are supplied to you when you set up your account.

The filename of your home page should be index.htm or index.html. You must try them both, for each account may be set up differently., however, one of the two is sure to work. The web server will automatically send the file at path /home/username/public_html/index.htm or /home/username/public_html/index.html when a browser specifies http://yourdomain.com.

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