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The following is recommended to get the best enjoyment from the site

  • Screen resolution: 800 x 600 resolution. (This is a common screen setting available on almost all computers). You can adjust the resolution setting in the control panel of your PC under "Display," "Settings."
  • Web browsers: Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher or Netscape version 4.06 or higher. Both browsers can be downloaded for free from the manufacturers' sites.
  • Speed: Each page of a website displays a combination of text (HTML) and graphics. The time a page takes to load depends on your server, the processing power of your computer and how busy the Internet is at the time of connection.
  • Appearance: The appearance of any website will always vary between different computers, browser versions and monitor display settings. If the text appears too large or too small, try adjusting your browser's text display settings. (Located in the browser's menu bar, or in the "Preferences" or "Settings" folder.)


  • Unvisited links are Blue, visited links are dark blue.

  • There is a complete navigation menu at the side of every page (Yeah, the one that follows you around) and a quick links menu at the top and bottom of every page, just in case you haven't got Java enabled (you don't know what your missing :o)).
    The Traders Post Logo (top left) takes you back to the Home page.

    Your Admin has everything you need to run an Auction or Ad including Reposting Items that haven't sold and giving feedback on a transaction.


  • Sellers who post more than 50 items and have more than 10 successful auctions/ads per month may have a 50% refund of any charges i.e. Feature listings, upon application.

  • You must be logged in.
  • To post an item is very easy, start with a title for your item with no more than 40 characters.
    Next choose yes or no for bold and/or featured. (see Your Account below)
    Then enter the number of days you want to place your item on Traders Post. Auction max. is 30 days - Classifieds and Wanteds is 90 days.
    Select who pays transport costs and the methods of payment you will accept.
    This is the main body of your ad, you may use html and have the option of 2 ad creators and a counter. The more details you have in this area, the more probability of getting a response to your ad and you won't be flooded with emails asking for more info.
    Linking to a picture of your item is explained next.
    There are 12 Main Categories with subcategories in each. You must choose a main category and then a sub category.
    Your starting bid is the amount that the first bid will be available for, which should be less than your reserve. Numbers only i.e. 11 or 11.00 in all the fields requiring a monetary amount.
    The Reserve is the least you will accept, more on reserves
    Display reserve is optional, leave it blank and nothing shows, enter your reserve here as well and it will be displayed to the public at the bottom of the Place Bid area.
    Next step is to preview your new post, then if you are happy with it hit the post button (once). If any changes need to be made simply hit the go back link. You can use the same form any amount of times and you can also use it if there are several similar items instead of starting over again.

  • Although Traders Post's script has the ability to allow the Buy Now feature, we have disabled it as we believe an auction should be run to it's full conclusion (including allowing extra time for ongoing bidding).
    Classifieds allow the immediate purchase of an item.

  • All prices in $NZ unless specified

    Link to Picture

  • When linking to a picture for your Ad, use the full path to where the pic is located.

    i.e. http://domain.co.nz/images/pic.jpg or http://yourfreeserver.whatever/yoursite/yourpic.gif

    If you don't know where it is, go to the web page that has the pic on it, right click the pic you want, choose properties, then copy the path and paste it in the Image URL box.
    Free webspace is available with WWW-Hosts.Net for personal pages and image storage.

    IMPORTANT: If your pictures don't display on the preview, there is something wrong with the path and they won't display on the finished product either.
    If you get really stuck on this go to the Traders Post and ask for help.


  • Our no reserve Auctions have the capability of starting at $0.00, making them Truly No Reserve - So remember to put in a starting bid.
    You have the option of showing your reserve price on an Auction if you wish. As explained in Placing an Ad


  • Autobid is permanently on. It will activate after the first bid.
    How it works is very simple and it actually works in everyone's favour.
    Here are a few examples:

  • [The First Bid]
    1. You place a bid for $10 on an item with a reserve of $15, your bid is placed at $10.
    2. You place a bid for $17 on an item with a reserve of $15, your bid is placed at $17.

  • [After the First Bid]
    1. You place a bid for $15 on an item with a current bid on it of $10, your bid is placed at $11 (provided the increment is $1).
    2. Someone else places a bid for $12 on the item with the current bid of $11, that bid is processed at $12 but your autobid replaces that bid and the new current bid will be $12 to the Trader who holds the highest Autobid (You).

    To sum it up, you choose the maximum amount you want to pay for the item and Autobid will do the work for you.

    Editing an Ad

  • Traders may Edit Auctions & Ads from Your Admin, under Current Listings.
    Edits may only be carried out if the Item has had no bids - We have allowed for a wide variety of changes, including changing a Classified to an Auction.
    So if you make a mistake or need to add some details to your listing, it is now easy to apply.
    We will be adding other features to Edit your Ad, but if there is anything you think should be there now or you would like to see added in the future, let us know on the Traders Post.
    Deleting Listings is not available as yet. To have a Classified or Wanted ad removed just Email us.


  • We don't allow more than one account per person, we also know that some computers get used by others and require their own username, that's OK. We do, however, monitor all new accounts and the odd occasion found the same person with 2 accounts. When contacted, the reason normally given is because they forgot their details. Please, just email us with as much as you can remember and we will give you the info.

  • The Total Registered Users figure is accurate, it is reduced for every account deleted.
  • We do not disable any User for being a bad trader, they must live with it. As yet we have not even had to consider deleting any user, except for 2 or 3 people who didn't really know who they are or where they came from and several dual accounts and they get to keep the original username.
  • If you wish to change your username at any time, we can do that for you but there will be a charge of $5.

  • IMPORTANT: You are required to give the Dialup ISP Email address you are currently connected to when you first register. This is the name shown on the top of the form, plus your dialup ID i.e. yourID@yourdialuphost.co.nz. The Email address you use to trade with can be anything you like, but it is important to give correct information to enable us to verify you are who you say you are. We know who your ISP is and can even locate the machine used :))

  • Registration for the Message Board (Traders Post) is now integrated with the Auction registration, but if you change your Auction password you will need to change the board password as well. This is temporary so it is recommended that you use the same password.

  • You may change your password as often as you like (remember to change the Traders Post password as well).

    Charges & Fees

    Traders Post's Promise

  • You will always be able to post new Items and make Bids/Purchases on Traders Post for FREE.
    We will never charge for a basic Auctions posting, success, bid fees or duration, EVER.

    Traders Post will provide Marketing enhancements for your benefit, some free and some will incur charges (to enable us to fund the site), as listed here:

    Featured Items: $3.00
    Bold Listing: $1.00

  • We will be implementing other Marketing strategies that will enhance the sale of your goods over time.

    This is a site for selling your goods for free and will always stay that way.


  • Feedback is very important as it gives you an idea of the reliability of a Trader. If you have had dealings with anyone on this site, please submit feedback about it. By not doing so helps no-one.
  • To submit Feedback on a user, go to Your Admin, select "View Closed Ads" & hit Go, check the item in question and hit View my status, where you have the option of submitting feedback on the buyer/seller.
  • View a users Feedback from Your Admin or by having a look at their Spotlight page.

    NOTE: Feedback can only be submitted by users that have been involved in the buying/selling of a particular item.
    No one outside the transaction can post Feedback.

    If Feedback has been posted about you that you feel is unwarranted, please contact the member who posted it to find out why. If, after contacting the member you still feel the Feedback is unwaranted, send us all the correspondence regarding the issue and we will decide the best course of action. Yes we will mediate or seek comments on the Traders Post.

    Your Admin

    From Your Admin you can...

  • Post an Auction, Classified or Wanted.
  • Retrieve your Username and/or Password.
  • Find someone elses username and email.
  • View A Traders Feedback.
  • Check out others Spotlight pages.
  • View your Current listings and Edit them.
  • View your Closed items, Repost an item, submit feedback on a transaction, find out who bid/bought your item, view items you bid on.
  • Manage your Account view your current account activity or top up.
  • Change your Personal Details, email address, password, Dial up account, Phone #, Address.
  • Your Spotlight Page, this is a page on Traders Post that you can create (for those joined before May 2001) or Edit your Profile, it gives you the opportunity to show your current listings, Feedback, favorite sites and share a little about yourself.

    You can even get behind us and advertise your website on our banner rotation then check how many people visit you from us. now that's Cool.

    Traders Post

  • This is your message board where you can discuss issues about the site, comment on a Traders behaviour, talk politics :(
    Well then, anything you like...

  • Registration for the Message Board (Traders Post) is now integrated with the Auction registration, but if you change your Auction password you will need to change the board password as well. This is temporary so it is recommended that you use the same password.

    It's even got a poll for every new topic and you can use html or ikoncode.
    check it out

    If you get an Internal Server Error on the Auction Site, don't worry it just means we are uploading an addition to the auction script which takes around 30 seconds.
    (this is normally carried out between Midnight and 1AM NZST)

    This page will be added to and updated as problems arise and time permits
    If you have any difficulty or questions you want answered, go to the Forum or the AuctionMaster

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