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Getting Started

The Files In Your Account

When you initially log into your account you will see a directory listing similar to the following:


DO NOT DELETE OR RENAME any of these directories. These directories are automatically setup by the system and required in order for your account to function. Deleting or renaming any of them will cause fatal errors that can only be repaired by deleting and resetting your account. Deleting and resetting your account will inadvertently cause you to experience DNS problems. DNS problems are not something that can be manually fixed, as they can only work themselves out in an unpredictable amount of time.

Of these directories, the ONLY ONE that is important to you is the www directory. This is the directory where you will upload your web pages and create other subdirectories that will pertain to your web site. Your pages WILL NOT be viewable on a web browser unless they are uploaded to this directory.

When you initially enter your www directory, you will see a directory/file listing similar to the following:


Again, DO NOT DELETE OR RENAME any of the directories within this folder. These are directories created by the system and are required in order for your account to function.

Of these directories, the ONLY ONES that are important to you is the cgi-bin (this is where you will upload your cgi scripts) and any directories that you may create for your web pages.

As you add options from your Control Panel, such as the Shopping Cart, Search Engine, install the Mail List software, or any other options you utilize from the Control Panel, the system will automatically create other directories within this area. ANY AND ALL sub-directories and/or files created by the system are required by the system to make a particular function operate and SHOULD NOT BE DELETED OR ALTERED IN ANY WAY.

The index.htm page is the default entry page for your account and this file SHOULD BE REPLACED by one of your own design, but IT MUST BE named index.htm.

This directory (www) is where you upload your other pages as well as create any subdirectories that you may need.

Below is a brief description of the different directories you may or may not see when you log into your account at any given time depending on what options you have utilized from your Control Panel. These are only descriptions and these directories should not be altered in any way unless we have instructed you to above.

File/Directory Name - Description

domain-anonftp - this folder is used for your anonymous users to download public files.
domain-web-logs - this folder contains all access logs of visitors to your site
domain-mail - this folder holds all POP mail accounts for your domain
domain-www - this folder stores all htm files for your domain (same folder as the www folder)
www - this is where you put all your htm files and subdirectories (same folder as the domain-www folder)
domain-secure - this folder stores all secure htm files (same folder as www folder and domain-www folder) this is an aliases folder that is secure when the right URL path is called correctly. Example: https://secure-server.net/domain_name/file.name

Refer to Chapter 7 where you will find more information regarding the directories and files in your account.

Where and how to upload your files

ALL files must be uploaded to your www directory in your account. Please read above section All the files in your account.

Files are uploaded to your account via FTP_32 or Fetch. Please refer to Chapter 4 - FTP Instructions.

If you are new to the Internet, this is all probably pretty overwhelming to you. We soon hope to develop a Newbie Package section where you'll find tutorials to assist you in getting your web site up.

404 Page Not Found

Creation of a default 404 Page Not Found page via the .htaccess file is not currently available.

How to view your pages on the WWW

You can view your pages within any browser by typing the following in the URL.


If you are getting an error when typing the above several things could have gone wrong, these are as follows:

1) Your initial page is not named index.htm
2) The code in your index.htm page is incorrect
3) Your registration/transfer request has not yet completed. (this process can take up to 72 hours).
4) Your account has been deactivated due to non-payment, non-compliance of our policies, or spamming violations - users need to contact Technical Support.

NOTE: If your account has been deactivated due to spamming violations, we had no control over the deactivation itself. Our spamming policies are set forth by our backbone providers themselves and when an account violates these policies, the backbone steps in and removes the account in question from our server without the option of reactivating. We have no control over this and feel that our warnings throughout our web site as well as within our User Agreement is sufficient warning to our users to not spam.

The best advice that we can pass on to our users is DO NOT SPAM. There are only so many backbones and while you may find it convenient to hop around from hosting company to hosting company, eventually you will start getting "We don't want your business" from the hosting companies, this is because the backbone will not allow them to host you because you've been banned for spamming. You don't have to like this rule, but it's the one that rules your existence on the Internet.

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