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Bandwidth Real Audio/Video
Changing Your Domain Name Search Engines
Domain Name Servers (DNS) Setting CGI Scripts
Formmail Setting CGI Scripts with SSL
Mailing List SSL
Mail Settings Subdomains
NT Hosting Transfering Your Domain Name
Password Protected Directories More Frequently Asked Questions
Policies & Restrictions More Online Documentation

Mail Settings:

For this example we used Outlook Express, the free version that comes with most newer Macs and PCs, to show basic mail set-up and preferences. Whatever program you use the program's settings/preferences features are where you'll configure your email "from" profile.
Remember your POP3 account is the account name you specify in your Mail Manager and your incoming POP3 server is always mail.yourdomain.com

(See also our new step by step guides for MS Outlook and Eudora customers)

Let's create a new profile for Matt Smith who is the webmaster at "yourdomain.com". There are 2 parts to creating a new mail account. The first is to go to your web-based, account control panel for your domain and access your mail manager. Then follow the links to create a new user. In this case the new user is "webmaster" and the password is "65mph".

The way we suggest you set-up this manager (the way we use it) is to have ALL of your accounts/mailboxes forward to your existing dial-up email account ONLY, not from box to box to box on your manger.
1. Click this box.
2. Put in your offsite/dial-up email address.
3. Very important! Remember to hit the Save button when done.

Then we open our e-mail program and go to preferences and create a new account as below:

1. Click New Account to create a new account profile.
2. Full Name is the name you want people to see in the "from" part of an email and not the actual address, i.e; the "Matt Smith" part, not "webmaster@yourdomain.com"
E-mail address is "webmaster@yourdomain.com"
Organization is what it is.
3. SMTP is your dial-up mail server, many times it's just "smtp-server". You'll need to find out from your dial-up ISP for sure.
4. Account id in this case is "webmaster"
POP server is "mail.yourdomain.com"
Password is the password you have given the account in your mail manager, in this case we used "65mph" as mentioned above.
Account name is any useful name/title
5. Remember to hit OK when done.

If you’re looking for an email program that's simple to use try Eudora Light, you can download it for free at http://eudora.qualcomm.com/eudoralight/

Setting CGI Scripts:

To start, 90% of your form processing needs can be solved by Formmail, which requires no CGI programming.

How should I upload my cgi scripts, ASCII or Binary?

Always upload your cgi scripts in ASCII mode.  That is the number one problem why cgi scripts don't work.

Where do I put my CGI scripts?

You should put your scripts into your cgi-bin directory which is in your www directory.  The full URL path would be
http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/file.name   Here's how a line inside your html file might look when calling the cgi script:
<form method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/file.name">

What is your server path to perl and sendmail?

Our server path to perl is /usr/local/bin/perl and sendmail is /usr/sbin/sendmail

How do I set permissions inside my cgi-bin?

If your script is getting an internal server error you probably don't have to right permissions set for your script. Use your FTP program or   SSH/Telnet into your cgi-bin directory and do the following: chmod o+x file.name  This will give universal  execute permissions for that file.

Setting CGI Scripts Using SSL:

There is one way to execute CGI scripts under a secure connection.  Your local cgi-bin which requires the Support Dept. to enable that feature under your virtual domain.

Using your local cgi-bin your path would look like this:

The secure_sever.net represents the server your virtual domain is hosted on.

Remember if you need your secure server name or need your cgi-bin securely enabled please fill out the Support Request Form.

If you would like to use formmail securely you first need to upload the formmail.pl file into your local cgi-bin directory.  Then instead of calling the universal cgi-sys directory you would call your own cgi-bin directory.   It would look something like this:


To get a free copy of the Formmail.pl script go to Matt's Archive

Formmail allows you to receive data and create sophisticated forms without CGI scripting. There are two different environments to consider when using formmail:

1. Regular, Non-secure (simple data gathering, fill-in forms)
2. Secure , ssl environment (credit card data gathering, all sensitive material)

To use Formmail in a non-secure environment (i.e., simple information gathering of a non-sensitive type), create a form with any decent web page creation software.

The form action line should be

<form method="POST" action="/cgi-sys/formmail.pl">
Notice that the path is cgi-sys.  This is the path to our universal cgi-bin which holds the formmail.pl script.

formmail.pl will do all the programming work for you. You alter the behavior of formmail by using hidden fields in your form.

Basic Form Making Instructions:
There is only one form field that you must have in your form for FormMail to work correctly. This is the recipient field.

Field: recipient

Description: This form field allows you to specify to whom you wish for your form results to be mailed. Most likely you will want to configure this option as a hidden form field with a value equal to that of your e-mail address.


<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="your_username@localnet.com">

Optional Form Fields:

Field: subject

Description: The subject field will allow you to specify the subject that you wish to appear in the e-mail that is sent to you after this form has been filled out. If you do not have this option turned on, then the script will default to a message subject: WWW Form Submission


If you wish to choose what the subject is:
<input type=hidden name="subject" value="Your Subject">

To allow the user to choose a subject:
<input type=text name="subject">

Field: email

Description: This form field will allow the user to specify their return e-mail address. If you want to be able to return e-mail to your user, I strongly suggest that you include this form field and allow them to fill it in. This will be put into the From: field of the message you receive.

Syntax: <input type=text name="email">

Field: realname

Description: The realname form field will allow the user to input their real name. This field is useful for identification purposes and will also be put into the From: line of your message header.

Syntax: <input type=text name="realname">

Field: sort

Description: This field allows you to choose the order in which you wish for your variables to appear in the e-mail that FormMail generates. You can choose to have the field sorted alphabetically or specify a set order in which you want the fields to appear in your mail message. By leaving this field out, the order will simply default to the order in which the browsers sends the information to the script (which isn't always the exact same order they appeared in the form). When sorting by a set order of fields, you should include the phrase "order:" as the first part of your value for the sort field, and then follow that with the field names you want to be listed in the e-mail message, separated by commas.


To sort alphabetically:
<input type=hidden name="sort" value="alphabetic">

To sort by a set field order:
<input type=hidden name="sort" value="order:name1,name2,etc...">

Field: redirect

Description: If you wish to redirect the user to a different URL, rather than having them see the default response to the fill-out form, you can use this hidden variable to send them to a pre-made HTML page.


To choose the URL the user will end up at:
<input type=hidden name="redirect" value="http://your.address/to/file.shtml">

To allow the user to specify a URL he wishes to travel to once the form is filled out:
<input type=text name="redirect">

Field: required

Description: You can now require for certain fields in your form to be filled in before the user can successfully submit the form. Simply place all field names that you want to be mandatory into this field. If the required fields are not filled in, the user will be notified of what they need to fill in, and a link back to the form they just submitted will be provided.


If you want to require that the user fill in the email and phone fields in your form, so that you can reach them once you have received the mail, use a syntax like:<input type=hidden name="required" value="email,phone">

Field: env_report

Description: Allows you to have Environment variables included in the e-mail message you receive after a user has filled out your form. Useful if you wish to know what browser they were using, what domain they were coming from or any other attribute is associated with environment variables. The following is a short list of valid environment variables that might be useful:

REMOTE_HOST - Sends the hostname making a request.
REMOTE_ADDR - Sends the IP address of the remote host making the request.
HTTP_USER_AGENT - The browser the client is using to send the request. General format: software/version library/version


If you wanted to find the remote host and browser sending the request, you would put the following into your form:
<input type=hidden name="env_report" value="REMOTE_HOST,HTTP_USER_AGENT">

Field: title

Description: This form field allows you to specify the title and header that will appear on the resulting page if you do not specify a redirect URL.


If you wanted a title of 'Feedback Form Results':
<input type=hidden name="title" value="Feedback Form Results">

Field: return_link_url

Description: This field allows you to specify a URL that will appear as return_link_title, on the following report page. This field will not be used if you have the redirect field set, but it is useful if you allow the user to receive the report on the following page, but want to offer them a way to get back to your main page.


<input type=hidden name="return_link_url" value="http://your.host.xxx/main.shtml">

Field: return_link_title

Description: This is the title that will be used to link the user back to the page you specify with return_link_url. The two fields will be shown on the resulting form page as: <ul> <li><a href="return_link_url">return_link_title</a> </ul>

Syntax: <input type=hidden name="return_link_title" value="Back to Main Page">

Field: background

Description: This form field allow you to specify a background image that will appear if you do not have the redirect field set. This image will appear as the background to the form results page.

<input type=hidden name="background" value="http://your.host.xxx/image.gif">

Field: bgcolor

Description: This form field allow you to specify a bgcolor for the form results page in much the way you specify a background image. This field should not be set if the redirect field is.


For a background color of White:
<input type=hidden name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF">

Field: text_color

Description: This field works in the same way as bgcolor, except that it will change the color of your text.


For a text color of Black: <input type=hidden name="text_color" value="#000000">

Field: link_color

Description: Changes the color of links on the resulting page. Works in the same way as text_color. Should not be defined if redirect is.


For a link color of Red:
<input type=hidden name="link_color" value="#FF0000">

Field: vlink_color

Description: Changes the color of visited links on the resulting page. Works exactly the same as link_color. Should not be set if redirect is. Syntax:

For a visited link color of Blue:
<input type=hidden name="vlink_color" value="#0000FF">

Field: alink_color

Description: Changes the color of active links on the resulting page. Works exactly the same as link_color. Should not be set if redirect is.


For a visited link color of Blue:
<input type=hidden name="alink_color" value="#0000FF">

Any other form fields that appear in your script will be mailed back to you and displayed on the resulting page if you do not have the redirect field set.

Using formmail in a secure environment:
You must get a free copy of the script from Matt's Script Archive first. Follow the simple but important instructions there (basically: ALWAYS download and upload the script in ascii format ONLY, and change the referers line to your IP address and domain name). Request that your cgi-bin be enabled through our online support request form. Upload your copy of formmail.pl to your cgi-bin. Follow the instructions above for form creation.


How can I create subdomains like "sales.mydomain.com"?

One World offers "subdomains" in two flavors:

  1. Full accounts. Just go to the Add Domain button in your Control Panel, and add a new account of the form "whatever.yourdomain.com" - be sure to select "Don't register me" for the name - it's done internally. The new account that will be created will be just like any other resold account - same great discount, same full slate of services and capabilities, unique username/password access - everything except there will be no domain name fee.
  2. Sub accounts. In this subdomain flavor, "sales.mydomain.com" will actually point to "mydomain.com/sales". To request this kind of subdomain arrangement you must first create the folder(s), create a basic index.shtml page within the folder, and then let us know the name of the folder.

    note: subdomain redirects of this form are designed for the convenience of our customers rather than for reselling individual folders to third parties. Access to these "subdomains" is available only with the master account username and password. One World will create up to 5 of these type subdomains per account - no charge.


How do I call web pages securely using One World Hosting's certificate?

All pages that reside in your www directory are secure if you call them the following way:

  1. The https://secure_server.net is the name of the server that your web site is hosted on (email open a support ticket if you don't know the name of the server your on).
  2. The /your_domain/ is the name of your domain without the .com, .net, etc.
  3. The file.name is the name of the file you are calling.

Executing CGI Scripts under a secure connection

There is one way to execute CGI scripts under a secure connection.  Your local cgi-bin which requires the Support Dept. to enable that feature.

Using your local cgi-bin your path would look like this:

Remember if you need your secure server name or need your secure cgi-bin enabled email open a support ticket

Password Protected Directories:

Password-protected directories are now created and managed exclusively through your Control Panel. Please see the Control Panel page for more information

Search Engines - the Options:

Go to each of the major search engines' web sites (Yahoo, Alta Vista, Lycos, Excite, etc) and follow their instructions for submitting your URL for inclusion (URL=domain name=site). This can take up to 4 weeks for your site to be included depending on the style of search engine (directory vs. spider).

Another option is to go to a site registering web site such as Submit It! or Register It! and become a subscriber/member. Both offer similar services for similar money. Our philosophy has always been "let's try it and see if it works!" We tried Submit It! and we think it worked-- that's the trouble, the search engine listings are constantly updated and there's always a "rugby scrum" at the top. General Rule of thumb: If some one or some company/software promises you a top ten listing go the other way/save your money.

Our current method is to use purchased software that does the same thing as the registering sites do except that we put the information in once and then the program works submitting the info to the engines in the background. We also have the luxury of re-submitting the info once a month (every day if you wanted) to try and stay as high as possible. This software is available from most computer stores or online and is usually less than $100.

You should also have your site html primed to be as receptive to the search engines as possible, this includes the use of meta tags and good page titles.

Smart Mailing List:

The Smart Mailing List is another feature which is now created and managed exclusively through your Control Panel. Please see the Control Panel page for more information.

Name Servers and NIC Handles:

Name Servers
Primary Name Server NS.www.www-Hosts.Net
Primary IP Address
Secondary Name Server NS2.www.www-Hosts.Net
Secondary IP Address
NIC Handles
Technical NIC Handle DGZ158
Administrative NIC Handle DGZ158

Changing your domain name:

We charge $25 to change the domain name for any of your accounts.

More Online Documentation:


The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML lists every official HTML tag in common usage, plus the Netscape extensions.

Like picking lint out of a clothesdryer (where did all that fluff come from?), Weblint will scrutinize your web pages to find any potential problems with the HTML you wrote.

Netscape's extensions to HTML
This lists all of the new HTML tags recognized by Netscape Navigator (such as tables and colored text). Used well, they will make your Web pages really stand out.

How do they do that with HTML?
This site gives several tricks and tips for getting the most mileage out of your web pages.

The Netscape Frames Tutorial
Charlton Rose has put together this completely terrific introduction to Netscape 2.0 frames.

CGI Programs

The Common Gateway Interface
NCSA provides much helpful information about CGI here (along with a good introduction to forms.)

Server-side includes
Also known as "parsed HTML": what they are, how they work, how to use them.

Using ISINDEX for server-side searches
This explains how to write a CGI script to perform simple text searches on your web server.

Matt's Script Archive
If you just want good scripts without having to write them, try here. Some modifications are usually necessary, which Matt explains in his readme files.

More Frequently Asked Questions:

Below is a listing of questions randomly asked by those shopping for web services. Be sure to address additional questions to open a support ticket

Current customers might like to scan this also.

This is not meant to replace the standard Support Page

Can I pay with credit card or do I need to issue a check?

Either is fine.  However if you pay by check we do ask that you pay annually.

When you say annually, do you mean pay you all the money up front, or pay monthly for one year?

You must pay the full year at once in order to receive the yearly discount.

What does it cost to transfer a the domain name (with you, with InterNIC)?

There is no fee for transfering your domain to One World from any other host.

Do you charge additional fees for using the mySQL database?

No. It is included in the package.

Is there any additional charge for data transferred per month, or hits?

No--hits are unlimited!

What is a virtual domain?

A Virtual Domain means having your own domain (http://www.your-name.com) without having to install expensive server hardware and software. With a Virtual Domain, you utilize our server's storage space, however, you are still professionally represented via your own personal Internet web address domain name (www.yourname.com) and by your own personal e-mail address domain name (you@yourname.com).

What steps do I need to take to set-up a virtual domain at One World Hosting?

Simply signup with us by filling out a our online order form or call 1-800-846-0241

We will then assist you in transferring an existing domain or registering for a new domain to be placed on our servers.

What is the time needed to make space on your server available?

Space will be made available within one hour! Once an account is set-up an activation notice will be sent to you via e-mail including your user-ID, password, and your IP address.

Who is Internic?

The InterNIC is an independent organization responsible for holding the registration and routing of Internet domain names.

Do you offer dial-up Internet access?

No, you will need local Internet access in order to maintain your website and retreive e-mail addressed to your site.

Does One World support MacIntosh systems?

Sure. You can use the Fetch program to transfer files from your MAC to our system. You can also use Telnet and the POP e-mail programs like Eudora, Claris E-mail and Netscape Mail.

Whom can I contact by phone or e-mail if further questions come up?

The easiest is to respond to our address: open a support ticket or you can call 1-800-846-0241

Are your severs connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? If not, when and why are they disconnected?

Yes. They are always connected and always monitored.

What web server do your servers run? (Apache, Netscape, or...?)


What are your server types: NT? UNIX? Both? Other?

We use UNIX.

What do Autoresponders do and are they included? How many?

An autoresponder is similiar to an alias, but it also will send an automatic reply back to the sender. You can have an unlimited number of autoresponders for no additional cost.

What programs can be used to access e-mail (pine, elm, Netscape mail, etc.)?

All POP clients can be used-- any program which downloads the files from our server onto your computer. You can use mail user agents which run on our servers (such as pine), with a special configuration. You cannot use IMAP programs.

Can I access my domain address with or without the "www"?

Yes, you will be able to access the domain address with or without the "www" in front of the domain name.

What is an email alias and is it unlimited?

An e-mail alias means if you send mail to webmaster@yourdomain.com, that address is aliased to whomever needs to receive it. It can be one person or multiple people, however you need it structured. It is unlimited--get as many as you need for no extra charge!

Do you have a database system? Cold Fusion? mSQL? Other?

We use mySQL.

Do you have FTP and FTP Anonymous access?

Yes, we provide both FTP and FTP Anonymous access with the standard  and plus account.

Do you have a limit on the FTP transfer?

No. There is no limit. You can update your pages an unlimited amount of times, at any time you wish.

Do you use Netscape's SSL technology?

We use Apache-SSL which is several times more secure than Netscape SSL.

Can I run two cron tasks to update pages daily?


Are your virtual servers able to work with old and text-mode browsers such as Lynx, or will users with those browsers not find our index.shtml when putting in only www.ourdomain.com (in other words, are they truely virtual)?

They are truly virtual--you get your very own IP address on the web server. They will work with Lynx.

How many client sites are put on each web server? Do you move sites to different servers if a given server has a high load? Is this monitored?

We do move clients according to demand. We keep the peak CPU load below 50% on all machines.

I would like to know if you support VRML 1.0 and 2.0 mime types wrl and mus?

We support these. You can set your own mime types with your .htaccess file.

Does each virtual server have its own log files? We already have our own custom web stats apps, so what we really need is the raw log files and not just summaries.

Yes. You have your own log files.

Do you provide a CGI-BIN personal directory?

Yes, a CGI-BIN is provided.

What is CGI access?

CGI scripts (Common Gateway InterFace) are used to provide things like counters, form responses, guest books, and many other things. Net Quest gives you full CGI access for no exra charge! You can write your own scripts, install someone else's, or use one of our preinstalled CGI scripts.

Which languages are supported in CGI (eg. Bourne shell, Perl, Java)?

Bourne, Shell, Perl, and Java are all supported and available.

How can I manage my e-mail users (add/remove/update). How can I setup mail redirection for my users?

To add or delete POP boxes, use Mail Manager


You redirect by editing the address, un-forwarding to the POP box (which deletes it if that's the only reference to it) and forwarding to whatever address you desire.

Do you charge additional fees for hosting a secure web site?

No. It is a free standard feature.

Do you offer backward compatability browser detection?


Can I set up forms for secure transmission?

Yes. There is no extra charge.

Can we set up password protected areas with htaccess?

Yes you can.

May I promote my web site with bulk email?

Spamming is in violation of our service agreement. There are legal and ethical issues involved in mass mailing of unsolicited email. Any user of our services who has sent a large number of unsolicited email will have their account closed within 24 hours. A pro-rata share of their current contract will be refunded.

Our Online Support Manual is updated monthly to reflect new changes in service and procedure.

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