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All accounts come with our Control Panel (cpanel). You can access your control panel at:
http://www.yourdomain.com/controlpanel/    or you may use, http://www.domain.com:2082/

(This will not be active until your domain has been transferred to our nameservers.)
until then you will want to use the IP assigned to you when your account was set up.
Virtual IP accounts that do not come with static IPs can access their control panel this way until your domain has been registered or transferred: or

You will be asked to enter your user / pass to gain access to your configuration. The control panel is pretty much self explanatory however a little information on the usage of each section is included below if you get confused along the way. All features are not available with all account plans:

Password Changes
This changes the passwords for your account, please make sure you close all existing windows that you have open for the Control panel.
Note:This only changes your FTP and Control Panel password. If you use FrontPage, this does not change your FrontPage password. 

Shopping Cart
Coming Soon

Shell Session

Network Tools

Access Stats
Provide access to many different programs that will analyze your access logs and show you more information about your web sites traffic.


File Manager
Allows you to modify the files in your web site in real-time via a web based interface. You can perform many commands such as chmod as well as actually edit the file and save it directly to the web server.

Error Editor
This is about as much customization as you can get folks! This section lets you customize the errors that your users will see instead of the generic server errors. You could setup a 404 page to redirect users to your main web site instead of the default dead document.

Subdomain Manager

Web Page Protection
Web page protection is used to limit access to any directory to users who enter a user/pass combo.  To protect a directory within your account:
1.) Click on that dir.
2.) Enter a user / pass for access
3.) Click add. You can add as many users as you wish to this file. This protection is for resources accessed via the WEB only, this will not create an FTP user.

Mime Types
A MIME type is basically what tells the web server that a .html document is a web page, and that a .gif doc is a gif image etc.  If you would like to configure a custom MIME type such as making .pictures a gif image file you would enter it here.

Chat Room
Allows you to access your personal chat server and supplies the code for you to use the product on your own site. If you would prefer a java chat,
we have a special version of the Melange chat system installed on our servers.  This allows you to utilize Melange on your site without any installation whatsoever.  Simply place a link to the URL below on ANY page in your site, and you will be brought to your private chat room.  Below is the URL to your Melange chat room for :yourdomain.com


(Substitute your actual domain for "yourdomain.com")

For more information on using the Melange chat system, please see the following URL:

E-mail control panel allows instant creation of e-mail POP3, forwards, and aliases.
A POP3 account is a stand alone incoming e-mail account. if you create u: john p: doe it all mail sent to john@domain.com will be routed to the joe e-mail account. The user joe can then check this mail by login into mail.domain.com using his user name and password. REMEMBER: all user names automatically have a determined amount of letters of the domain name appended to the beginning of the user name. So if john was a another domain user the user would use mail.somedomain.net as his incoming e-mail server and use powerjohn as his log in name to retrieve mail sent to john@homepage.net    An alias sends mail sent to one address to another POP3 account within your domain. For example if our recently created john account was going to receive all mail sent to sales@ourname.com we would setup sales as an alias to john. Note: by default all names not configured to the root account. So if you sent a message to testl@domain.com it would be sent to your main root account unless you had set it up as an alias, forward or POP3. A forward account sends mail sent to user@domain.com to an address completely out of your domain. For example if john had an AOl account and wanted to check all his mail there you could setup john to forward to john3435@aol.com.

FTP Accounts
Accounts Used for managing access accounts to your web space. The creation of an FTP account will allow users to log into a sub directory from your main account without gaining access to your main accounts. Sessions show any users that are currently logged into your domain.
Settings allow you to modify access to your anonymous FTP site.
(Not Available on Virtual IP Hosting Plans that do not have dedicated IP address)

We have numerous customizable cgi scripts that have been pre-installed on the server for you to use with your own account. The only thing you'll need to do is select the script you are interested in using, select the colors, style etc., and click the "Make HTML" button. You can then paste the HTML output into any of your HTML files to use that system cgi program.

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