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Control Panel Overview

Below we have provided you a snapshot and overview of the options in your Control Panel. We ask that all of our hosting clients read through this overview prior to exploring or implementing any of the options within their Control Panel.

Some options may appear in your Control Panel but should NOT be used. These are indicated with the descriptions below. For more detailed information or instructions using a particular option, please refer to the different pages of our manual.

NOTE TO FRONTPAGE USERS: Most of the options in your Control Panel will NOT work with FrontPage Extensions installed. It's a known fact throughout the industry that Microsoft has established itself as a "world in itself" and therefore the majority of their software is incompatible with the other world. We are not/will not/and never will utilize FrontPage for the designs of our web site. We know nothing of FrontPage and are unable to provide you with any type of support regarding its use. We provide FP Extensions as a courtesy to those that know how to use it and prefer it over the more common methods of designing web sites. If you choose to utilize FrontPage, we have provided some brief information that will assist you on the relevent page of our manual. Other than what is provided there, you will have to turn to MS or other sources across the Internet for support.


The Control Panel may be viewed in English, German, Spanish and French.


This is what your Control Panel looks like. Once inside your Control Panel you can navigate it by clicking on an option and you will be taken to the control area for that particular option. The Control Panel is divided into three areas: Account Glance, Available Resources, and Options.

Account Glance: This displays your domain name, username, the date your account was activated, and other system information.

Available Resources: This displays how many MB that are available and how many you have used, the number of POP3 email accounts you have available and how many you have used, the number of mail lists you have available and how many you have used. It also shows the current amount of traffic that your site has generated.

Options: These are all the options that are available for your account plan. These are described in more detail after the screenshot.

You might want to take a look at our Live Control Panel username - demo / password - newdemo



This area is a repeat of this section of our manual.

File Manager

By clicking this option you can view all the directories and files in your account, as well as change permissions for directories and files, create directories, create and edit files, and upload files from your hard drive to your account.

Change Password

Click this option to change the password for your Control Panel and FTP Client. (This does not change the password for your email accounts. To change the passwords for your Pop3 email accounts refer to the Mail Manager page.

Mail Manager

This option is where you create and edit, change passwords, forward email to other email accounts, and create autoresponders for your Pop3 email accounts. (Quick Note: It is not necessary to create email aliases as your default email account acts as a "Catch All Account", in other words anything@yourdomain.com will be delivered to your default mail account.)

Site Statistics

This option is the same as typing in http://www.yourdomain.com/stats in your browser. We use HTTP Analyze for your site statistics software. You can view all the traffic to your site through this option. Best thing to do here is to just click and browse to get the gist of how powerful this feature is.

Mailing List

This option is to install the Mailing List Software into your account. This is all it does. You create, edit, and manage your mailing list inside the Mail Manager.

MS FrontPage

Click this option to install Front Page Extensions. For more information, please refer to that page for information on FrontPage.

Site Creation Tool

You can not use this feature if you have FrontPage Extensions installed.

This tool allows users that are not familiar with htm to create web pages in a step-by-step environment. This tool creates simple pages, and is not designed for the more advanced needs that your web site may require. If you are new to the Internet and html, we recommend this very good tool.


This option allows you to insert page counters into the pages of your web site. There are several styles to choose from, all with easy step-by-step instructions.

Protect Directories

You CAN NOT use this option with FrontPage. This option will have to be done in FrontPage.

Password Protecting your directories has never been easier. This option allows you to select the directory you wish to password protect from a drop down box and then enter usernames and passwords of those you want to allow access to that part of your web site and remove them just as easily...all at the click of a button.

Redirect URL

You CAN NOT use this option with FrontPage. This option will have to be done in FrontPage.

This option allows you to redirect visitors to any part of your site to another URL simply by typing in the name of the page you want to redirect and then typing in the destination.

Search Engine

This option allows you to install the Webglimpse search engine on your web site. This option allows you to select the directories you wish to be included in searches, and allows you to index your web site all at the touch of a button.


This isn't really a feature. It is just a shorter explanation of how to get your formmail to work. We go into greater detail in our manual.


PGP - Pretty Good PrivacyTM This option allows you to install a public key for your PGPMail. You can read more about PGP further down, under PGPMail.

Mime Types

MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

You CAN NOT use this option with FrontPage Extensions installed. You will have to use FrontPage to perform this function.

This option allows you to add Mime Types to your account.

Anonymous FTP

This option allows you to install the Anonymous FTP feature to your account so you may offer file download.

Archive Manager

This feature allows you to compress and backup your directories and files.

PGP Mail

PGP = Pretty Good Privacy. Allows you to send and receive email securely.

SSH / Telnet

If you need telnet access to our servers, it can only be done using SSH. We have it set up to use RSA authentication. You will need to create a key using SSH software, then use this feature to upload the key to our servers. Once it is uploaded, you will be able to connect to our servers using SSH.

Secure Server

We provide the certificate...attempting to install the dummy certificate will cause fatal errors within your account causing it to cease to function. There is no simple remedy for these errors except to delete your account and re-install it on our servers. This will cause your account to experience DNS problems that can not be manually corrected and can only work themselves out. We provide you the use of our Secure Certificate free of charge (except Starter account), therefore there is no reason for you to even attempt to utilize this feature.



MySQL is a database engine that you can use with your web site. This feature of the Control Panel will allow you to create a new MySQL database, and manage it. You will be able to add/edit/delete tables, fields, and values. You can also run queries on the database if you need to.

Shopping Cart

The Shopping Cart feature installs or removes the AlaCart Shopping Cart program on your site. After it is installed, you are given directions for managing the Cart. There are demo's on the shopping cart page of this manual.
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