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(not available on Virtual IP accounts without a dedicated IP number)

Anonymous FTP provides a way for visitors to your site to download / upload files to and from your account.  Users will be able to log into ftp://ftp.yourdomain.com/ with the standard anonymous user name and e-mail address as the password.

Your anonymous FTP account is the public_ftp directory in your root directory. You can create user specified logins thru the browser control panel interface. Visitors to your anonymous FTP site are connected to your 'public_ftp' folder. 



As the account owner, you are responsible for any and all files that are stored on your domain. This would include files that were uploaded by you as well as by anonymous FTP users. With the use of anonymous FTP, your site is susceptible of becoming a "warez" site. Typically, these are sites that are used by "hackers" to trade (upload/download) illegally pirated copies of software programs with one another. As the account owner, the complete content of your account is your responsibility. If your site becomes a trading post for "warez" programs, you may face legal action that can be taken against you by the programmers/software companies of the copyrighted software, in addition to your account being deleted from our servers. Please refer to our Policy, Guidelines, & Disclaimer for more information.

Data Transfer

Any and all FTP download transfers, anonymous FTP included, will be used in the calculation of the total data transfer for your account. If this total data transfer amount exceeds the limit that is set for your plan, you will be responsibility for any and all overage charges that occur.

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