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Rotational Banner Advertising

Expose your Website to Buyers from New Zealand and all around the world, currently averaging 1000 daily page views and climbing

* Required Fields

* Your Name:
* Your Email Address:
* Your Alias:
* Your Password:
* Website location (URL):
* Banner location (URL):
* Display your banners:
* Banner Duration:
Bottom of page = $10.00 per 2000 page views -
$0.50 per day -
Top of page = $10.00 per 1000 page views -
$1.00 per day -
[minimun order $10.00] -

*Please choose payment method

Credit Card details.

Credit Card:

Name on Credit Card:
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:

Additional Information or Comments:

Please review this form before submitting. For security purposes, your remote address and user agent are traced through submission.


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