
LinkScan for Unix. Reference Manual.

Section 26

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LinkScan Quick Reference Card

Basic Casesensitive Homefile Homeurl Http
  Organization Projectdesc    

CustomReport Displaylang Editdoc Editlink Jisencode
  Reportsdir Statuscode    

CustomScan Auth Autoencspace Closeatag Collectmeta
  Cookie Errorbody Errorbodyext Errordoc
  Execute Extraheader Extrahit Extrahome
  Followframes Gsmchangefreq Gsmlevels Hostalias
  Imgtags Insertlink Maxdocbytes Maxredir
  Mimetypes Mirrorurl Noforms Noindex
  Probe Profiler Profilerlog Profilermax
  Relaxanchor Sessionmatch Showredirectext Substitute
  Substituteraw Substitutescript Usecookiefile Useloginfile
  Userdata Userdatafmt Userdatasub Xmeta
  Xmlmatch Xmlnomatch    

Database Tagonce      

Dispatch Dispatchsort Mailalias Mailhost Mailnoerr
  Maxsev Sendmailpath    

External Checkmailto FTPPass FTPUser Fetchext
  Followext Hostname Mailfrom Masterhist
  Maxbadhours Maxdns Maxftp Maxgoodhours
  Maxhist Maxservertries Nameservers Noexternal

File Alias Autohttp Checkorphans Defaultpages
  Expandssi Flashfiles Homedir Htmlfiles
  Indexoptions Mapfiles Maxdirlevels Noorphan
  Noorphans Onlyorphans Orphanfile Pdffiles
  Redirect Textfiles    

Import Import Importfile    

JavaScript Scriptdisable Scriptexclude Scriptmatch Scriptnomatch

Misc Unsafechar      

Owner Defaultowner Owner Owneralias Ownerq

Scope Exclude Excludecookie Excludehidden Mask
  Maxcgi Maxclicks Maxdocs Maxlevels
  Nofollow Onlyfollow Onlyinclude Taglimit

Security Access Httpauth Linkscancookie Mailto
  Noprojectlist Nostaticmenu Notapmapoptions Winhttp

SiteMap Mapdefaulttitle Mapext Maphide Mapinclude
  Mapmove Maptitle    

System Cgibinurl Docsurl Httpsproxyport Httpsproxyserver
  Key LicenseNumber Licensee Linespeed
  Linkscandir Linkscanurl Longurls Masterport
  Msiis Noproxy Perlpath Proxyauth
  Proxymatch Proxyport Proxyserver Slaves1
  Slaves2 Slavesfast1 Slavesfast2 Timeout1
  Timeout2 Weblintoptions Weblintpath Wildtlds

Access [1] Syntax: Access username : password : project-list : owner-list : menu-options
Category: Security Default: Access * : * : * : * : *
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Activates the Access Controls on the LinkScan Reports. Not enabled by default; see references.
Alias [1] Syntax: Alias relative-path-expression absolute-path-expression
Category: File Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
The Alias command maps a URL to a physical file system path. This is required when, for example, a specific directory does not reside under the normal webserver root directory. It is important to ensure that the forward slash symbols are balanced exactly as shown in the example.
Alias cgi-bin/ /usr/www/cgi-bin/
Auth [1] Syntax: Auth server-name "realm-name" username password
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Configures LinkScan to use HTTP Basic Authentication. Note that server-name must be specified as a hostname and not as a URL. The realm-name must be specified and quoted. However, it may be empty, in which case LinkScan will use the supplied username/password for any realm-name on server-name.
Auth "" guestuser xxxxxx
Autoencspace [1] Syntax: Autoencspace = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Autoencspace = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Autoencspace = 1 LinkScan will automatically encode any unencoded space characters in a URL as "%20" thereby mirroring the behavior of Microsoft Internet Explorer. We do not recommend the use of this option (since it masks real errors in the HTML documents) but it has been provided in response to user requests.
Autohttp [1] Syntax: Autohttp = boolean
Category: File Default: Autohttp = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Autohttp = 1 LinkScan will automatically attempt HTTP access on any link that cannot be found/validated when using File System Scanning.
Casesensitive Syntax: Casesensitive = boolean
Category: Basic Default: Casesensitive = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Casesensitive = 1 LinkScan assumes that all pathnames are case-sensitive (normally appropriate when scanning Unix-based servers). When Casesensitive = 0 LinkScan forces all pathnames to lower case (normally appropriate when scanning Windows-based servers).
Cgibinurl [1] Syntax: Cgibinurl = absolute-url
Category: System Default: Cgibinurl = Automatically set during installation
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the URL to the directory in which the LinkScan CGI scripts reside. Required in order that the LinkScan CGI scripts can link to each other.
Checkmailto [1] Syntax: Checkmailto = boolean
Category: External Default: Checkmailto = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Checkmailto = 1 enable active checking of mailto: links. Several other items must be configured when using this feature. See references.
Checkorphans [1] Syntax: Checkorphans relative-path
Category: File Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Forces LinkScan to scan the directory specified by relative-path for Orphaned Files.
Closeatag Syntax: Closeatag = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Closeatag = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Closeatag = 0 do not generate errors for <A HREF=...> tags without a corresponding </A> tag.
Collectmeta Syntax: Collectmeta = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Collectmeta = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Collectmeta = 1 save all document <META> tags to the file: LinkScan/project_dir/data/linkscan.met
Cookie [1] Syntax: Cookie server-name cookie-name=cookie-value
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Pre-load LinkScan with Cookies. Note that server-name must be specified as a hostname and not as a URL. Do not enter spaces around the "=" sign. Prefix the domain name with a period to create a wildcard, as shown in the example.
Cookie USERID=1234
Defaultowner [1] Syntax: Defaultowner = owner-name
Category: Owner Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Establishes a default Owner.
Defaultpages [1] Syntax: Defaultpages = filename [, filename]...
Category: File Default: Defaultpages = index.html, index.shtml, index.htm, home.html, home.shtml, home.htm
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When configured to use File System Scanning and LinkScan encounters a link to a directory without a specific filename, it search for documents with these filenames (in the order specified).
Dispatchsort [1] Syntax: Dispatchsort = integer
Category: Dispatch Default: Dispatchsort = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Defines the sort sequence for LinkScan Dispatch Reports.
1 = By referer; 2 = By status code; 3 = By links alphabetically
Displaylang Syntax: Displaylang = boolean
Category: CustomReport Default: Displaylang = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Enable when scanning Japanese language websites. The following META tag will be included in each of the LinkScan reports:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP">
See also Jisencode.
Docsurl [1] Syntax: Docsurl = absolute-url
Category: System Default: Docsurl = Automatically set during installation
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the URL to the directory in which the LinkScan documentation resides. Required in order that the LinkScan CGI scripts can link to the documentation and associated images.
Editdoc [1] Syntax: Editdoc = URL
Category: CustomReport Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Adds a linking URL to the LinkScan Reports. These may include the optional tokens !URL, !CAP or !STAT. The tokens are replaced with %encoded strings containing:
The URL of the target resource
The Title or Caption (as appropriate) associated with the target resource
The Status Code of the target resource.
Editdoc = http://foo/bar.cgi?Url=!URL&Cap=!CAP&Status=!STAT
Editlink [1] Syntax: Editlink = URL
Category: CustomReport Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Adds a linking URL to the LinkScan Reports. These may include the optional tokens !URL, !CAP or !STAT. The tokens are replaced with %encoded strings containing:
The URL of the target resource
The Title or Caption (as appropriate) associated with the target resource
The Status Code of the target resource.
Editlink = http://foo/bar.cgi?Url=!URL&Cap=!CAP&Status=!STAT
Errorbody [1] Syntax: Errorbody = expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Any document with a body that matches expression is marked with a 3001 Errorbody Match status code regardless of the actual server status. Applies to Internal Documents only.
Errorbody (?i)runtime\s+error
Errorbodyext [1] Syntax: Errorbodyext = expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Any document with a body that matches expression is marked with a 3001 Errorbody Match status code regardless of the actual server status. Applies to External Links only.
Note: Using this option will enable the Fetchext option. There may be significant performance penalties since LinkScan must retreive the document bodies when validating external links.
Errorbodyext (?i)]+refresh.*?>
Errordoc [1] Syntax: Errordoc = expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Any URL that is redirected to a location that matches expression is marked with a 3000 Errordoc Match status code regardless of the actual server status.
Errordoc special/notfound\.html
Exclude Syntax: Exclude relative-path-expression
Category: Scope Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Links matching relative-path-expression are completely ignored by LinkScan.
Exclude archives/
Excludecookie Syntax: Excludecookie expression
Category: Scope Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Cookies matching expression are completely ignored by LinkScan. Expression must either match the cookie name OR the following semi-colon delimited string of cookie attributes: "domain;port;path;cookiename;cookievalue;expires;setbypage"
Excludecookie [^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*;SESSIONID
Excludehidden Syntax: Excludehidden = boolean
Category: Scope Default: Excludehidden = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Exclude links hidden by a null (empty) anchor.
Execute Syntax: Execute relative-path-expression
Category: CustomScan Default: Execute cgi-bin/, Execute (?i).*\.(cgi|asp)$
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Links matching relative-path-expression are accessed using Network (HTTP) Scanning.
Expandssi [1] Syntax: Expandssi = boolean
Category: File Default: Expandssi = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Expandssi = 1 and File System Scanning is enabled LinkScan will process Server Side Includes (SSIs) constructed using the Apache Include Virtual conventions.
Extraheader [1] Syntax: Extraheader http-header
Category: CustomScan Default: Extraheader User-Agent: LinkScan Enterprise/11.6 Windows
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Configures additional HTTP headers that LinkScan will send with every request. Mainly used to emulate different browser types.
Extraheader User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
Extrahit [1] Syntax: Extrahit relative-path
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Instructs LinkScan to access the specified URL at the start of a scan. May be used to submit forms with specified data values. Note: with Extrahome, LinkScan will access the specified page *before* the start of a scan *and* a second time during the scan. With Extrahit, LinkScan will access the specified page only once, during a scan. See example and references.
Extrahome cgi-bin/postscript.cgi??Name=Malcolm%20Hoar&Password=secret
Extrahome [1] Syntax: Extrahome relative-path
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Instructs LinkScan to access the specified URL at the start of a scan. May be used to submit forms with specified data values. Note: with Extrahome, LinkScan will access the specified page *before* the start of a scan *and* a second time during the scan. With Extrahit, LinkScan will access the specified page only once, during a scan. See example and references.
Extrahome cgi-bin/postscript.cgi??Name=Malcolm%20Hoar&Password=secret
FTPPass [1] Syntax: FTPPass = password
Category: External Default: FTPPass =
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the password to use when validating links to FTP sites.
FTPUser [1] Syntax: FTPUser = username
Category: External Default: FTPUser = anonymous
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the username to use when validating links to FTP sites.
Fetchext [1] Syntax: Fetchext = boolean
Category: External Default: Fetchext = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Instructs LinkScan to fetch the document bodies when checking External links. Normally used in conjunction with the LinkScan Profiler.
Flashfiles [1] Syntax: Flashfiles = file-extension [, file-extension]...
Category: File Default: Flashfiles = swf
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When using File System Scanning, any file with this extension is interpreted using the Flash/Shockwave format. When using Network (HTTP) Scanning, a non-blank entry causes LinkScan to interpret any link with a Content-Type: application/x-shockwave-flash header using the Flash/Shockwave format.
Followext [1] Syntax: Followext = boolean
Category: External Default: Followext = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Followext = 1 LinkScan follows redirections when scanning External links.
Followframes Syntax: Followframes = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Followframes = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Followframes = 1 LinkScan will always follow links within framesets (regardless of any Nofollow commands).
Gsmchangefreq [1] Syntax: Gsmchangefreq = string
Category: CustomScan Default: Gsmchangefreq = weekly
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Update frequency for XML Google Sitemap.
Gsmlevels [1] Syntax: Gsmlevels = integer
Category: CustomScan Default: Gsmlevels = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Maximum levels to include in XML Google Sitemap.
Homedir [1] Syntax: Homedir = absolute-path
Category: File Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Sets the absolute pathname to the directory/folder containing the root of the target website. Only applicable when File System Scanning and Orphan File detection are enabled. Note that Homedir must point at the root of the site and not a sub-directory thereof.
Homedir = C:/www/
Homefile [1] Syntax: Homefile = relative-url
Category: Basic Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Sets the initial document for the start of a scan (relative to Homeurl and Homedir).
Homefile = index.html
Homeurl [1] Syntax: Homeurl = absolute-url
Category: Basic Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Sets the base-URL for the start of a scan. Do not append additional directory or file names to the URL (use Homefile instead). Homedir must point at the root of the target website.
Homeurl =
Hostalias [1] Syntax: Hostalias from-absolute-url to-absolute-url
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Establishes synonyms for the same host.
Hostname Syntax: Hostname = hostname
Category: External Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Sets the Hostname to use for HELO messages. Only used when active mailto: checking is enabled.
Htmlfiles [1] Syntax: Htmlfiles = file-extension [, file-extension]...
Category: File Default: Htmlfiles = html, shtml, htm
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When using File System Scanning, any file with this extension is interpreted as an HTML document. When using Network (HTTP) Scanning, any link with a Content-Type: text/html header is interpreted as indicating HTML format.
Http Syntax: Http = boolean
Category: Basic Default: Http = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Http = 1 LinkScan uses Network (HTTP) Scanning for the entire target website. Note that this will disable Orphaned File checking. To enable Orphan checking, you must set Http = 0 and configure Homedir. Use Execute .* to force HTTP Scanning with Orphan File checking.
Httpauth Syntax: Httpauth = env-var
Category: Security Default: Httpauth = REMOTE_USER
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the system Environment variable name to use in conjunction with the LinkScan access controls and HTTP user authentication. Not required unless you enable LinkScan Access Controls.
Httpsproxyport [1] Syntax: Httpsproxyport = integer
Category: System Default: Httpsproxyport = 80
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the Port Number associated with Httpsproxyserver.
Httpsproxyserver [1] Syntax: Httpsproxyserver = hostname
Category: System Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the Hostname or IP address of your HTTPS Proxy Server (if any). Do not enter a URL address. Not required on Windows systems since LinkScan includes native support for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and https:// addresses.
Imgtags Syntax: Imgtags = [AHW]
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Enables additional checking of <IMG SRC=...> tags for Alt, Height and Width attributes.
Import Syntax: Import = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
Category: Import Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Instructs LinkScan to use Import Scanning.
Import = 1; Import ASCII list of links
Import = 2; Import ASCII list of documents
Import = 3; Import ASCII list of documents (with de-caching)
Importfile Syntax: Importfile = absolute-path
Category: Import Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Sets the absolute pathname to the ASCII file to be processed when Import Scanning is selected.
Indexoptions [1] Syntax: Indexoptions = boolean
Category: File Default: Indexoptions = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Indexoptions = 1 and File System Scanning is enabled, LinkScan will create directory listing when no Defaultpages (e.g. index.html) are present.
Insertlink [1] Syntax: Insertlink Insertlink document-match new-document [-|+|*]
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
May be used to insert synthetic links into a scanned document.
Jisencode Syntax: Jisencode = boolean
Category: CustomReport Default: Jisencode = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Enable when scanning Japanese language websites. Pages containing JIS, Shift-JIS and/or EUC-JP encoded Japanese characters will be normalized to EUC-JP. See also Displaylang.
Key [1] Syntax: Key = special-key
Category: System Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the LinkScan License Key -- supplied by Elsop.
LicenseNumber [1] Syntax: LicenseNumber = integer (10-digit)
Category: System Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the LinkScan License Number -- supplied by Elsop.
Licensee [1] Syntax: Licensee = name
Category: System Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Name of your Company or Department.
Linespeed [1] Syntax: Linespeed = integer
Category: System Default: Linespeed = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets a default linespeed for the calculation of document load times on the Summary/Detail Report.
Linkscancookie Syntax: Linkscancookie = boolean
Category: Security Default: Linkscancookie = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Define the type of Cookie used by the LinkScan Reporting System (i.e. linkscan.cgi) for storing user preferences. 0=Permanent cookie; 1=Session cookie; 2=No cookie
Linkscandir [1] Syntax: Linkscandir = absolute-path
Category: System Default: Linkscandir = Automatically set during installation
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the absolute pathname to the directory in which LinkScan is installed.
Linkscanurl [1] Syntax: Linkscanurl = absolute-url
Category: System Default: Linkscanurl = Automatically set during installation
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the URL to the directory in which LinkScan is installed.
Longurls Syntax: Longurls = boolean
Category: System Default: Longurls = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Force LinkScan CGI's to generate long URL's with the Pref parameter.
Mailalias [1] Syntax: Mailalias expression address [, address]...
Category: Dispatch Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Sets associations between Owners matching expression and a comma separated list of e-mail addresses.
Mailalias Products,
Mailfrom [1] Syntax: Mailfrom = username
Category: External Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the address to use for FROM messages. Only used when active mailto: checking is enabled.
Mailhost [1] Syntax: Mailhost = hostname
Category: Dispatch Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Sets the default hostname for LinkScan Dispatch reports sent via e-mail. By default, all reports are mailed to Owner@Mailhost. See Mailalias if you need more control.
Mailnoerr [1] Syntax: Mailnoerr = boolean
Category: Dispatch Default: Mailnoerr = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Mailnoerr = 1 LinkScan Dispatch will e-mail reports to their respective Owners even when no broken links were detected.
Mailto [1] Syntax: Mailto = integer
Category: Security Default: Mailto = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Enable Mailto forms on the LinkScan reports. Setting Mailto=2 will add a comment box to the form. The Mailto option requires that the LinkScan to Email Interface be configured.
Mapdefaulttitle [1] Syntax: Mapdefaulttitle [ string ] [ !PATH | !FILE ] [ string ]
Category: SiteMap Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Defines a default Title for SiteMap/TapMap; used when no actually <title> tags were seen. The special tokens !PATH and !FILE are replaced with the actual pathnames or filenames, respectively.
Mapdefaulttitle = No title tags in !PATH
Mapext [1] Syntax: Mapext boolean
Category: SiteMap Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Include External Links on the SiteMap.
Mapext = 1
Mapfiles [1] Syntax: Mapfiles = file-extension [, file-extension]...
Category: File Default: Mapfiles = map
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When using File System Scanning, any file with this extension is interpreted as a server-side image map file.
Maphide [1] Syntax: Maphide relative-path-expression
Category: SiteMap Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Documents matching relative-path-expression are hidden from the SiteMap and TapMap.
Maphide .*messages/
Mapinclude [1] Syntax: Mapinclude relative-path-expression
Category: SiteMap Default: Mapinclude HTML Documents
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Documents matching relative-path-expression are included in the SiteMap and TapMap. By default, only HTML documents are included; links to images and other file types are hidden. You may include all files by using, for example:
Mapinclude .*
Mapmove [1] Syntax: Mapmove relative-document-path, new-parent-relative-path, position [, new-title]
Category: SiteMap Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Used to customize the SiteMap and TapMap by forcing specific documents to assigned to different positions in the hierarchy.
Mapmove child.html, parent.html, 1
Maptitle [1] Syntax: Maptitle relative-document-path, string
Category: SiteMap Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Replace the actual title of document relative-document-path with string.
Mask Syntax: Mask = relative-path-expression
Category: Scope Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Directly equivalent to Onlyinclude except that Mask is single-valued.
Masterhist Syntax: Masterhist = boolean
Category: External Default: Masterhist = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
When Masterhist = 1 LinkScan maintains the status of external links in a global history file shared between all Projects.
Masterport Syntax: Masterport = port#
Category: System Default: Masterport = 8010
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys,linkscan.cfg
Defines a TCP/IP Port Number on your computer. LinkScan uses this Port and the following "N" ports for its own interprocess communication. "N" is defined by the maximum of Slave processes used during the scan. You will not normally need to change this unless the default Port is being used by another application.
Maxbadhours [1] Syntax: Maxbadhours = integer
Category: External Default: Maxbadhours = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Do not check Bad External links more frequently than once every integer hours.
Maxcgi [1] Syntax: Maxcgi = integer
Category: Scope Default: Maxcgi = 100
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Controls the maximum number of times any given base URL with be tested with different query strings. Avoid the potential for excessive and potentially infinite iteration over many query strings. See also the Taglimit option provides even finer control.
Maxclicks [1] Syntax: Maxclicks = integer
Category: Scope Default: Maxclicks = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Limit the scope of a scan to "N" click levels deep.
Maxdirlevels [1] Syntax: Maxdirlevels = integer
Category: File Default: Maxdirlevels = 10
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Do not scan the File System more than integer directory levels deep when scanning for Orphaned Files. Avoids recursion issues with Symlinks on Unix systems.
Maxdns [1] Syntax: Maxdns = integer
Category: External Default: Maxdns = 3
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Defines the maximum number of HTTP redirections to be followed when fetching a given URL (detect/protect potential loops).
Maxdocbytes [1] Syntax: Maxdocbytes = integer
Category: CustomScan Default: Maxdocbytes = none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Defines the maximum size of a document body that will be fetched when scanning a remote server. Typically used to prevent excessive delays while LinkScan fetches very large PDF documents.
Maxdocs Syntax: Maxdocs = integer
Category: Scope Default: Maxdocs = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Forces LinkScan to check (completely) the first Maxdocs pages only. Useful for quickly checking the first "N" pages of a website.
Maxftp [1] Syntax: Maxftp = integer
Category: External Default: Maxftp = 25
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Do not test more than integer links to any one FTP server. This prevents excessive/inappropriate loads on the remote server. The FTP protocol carries significantly more overhead than HTTP.
Maxgoodhours [1] Syntax: Maxgoodhours = integer
Category: External Default: Maxgoodhours = 4
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Do not check Good External links more frequently than once every integer hours.
Maxhist Syntax: Maxhist = integer
Category: External Default: Maxhist = 10
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
For External links, store the last integer results in the History file.
Maxlevels Syntax: Maxlevels = integer
Category: Scope Default: Maxlevels = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Limit the scope of a scan to "N" directory levels.
Maxredir Syntax: Maxredir = integer
Category: CustomScan Default: Maxredir = 5
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Defines the maximum number of HTTP redirections to be followed when fetching a given URL (detect/protect potential loops).
Maxservertries [1] Syntax: Maxservertries = integer
Category: External Default: Maxservertries = 25
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When validating External links, abort testing of all links to a host that has already recorded more than integer errors. This prevents LinkScan from attempting to check many links to a host that may be temporarily unavailable (and hence multiple timeout delays).
Maxsev [1] Syntax: Maxsev = severity
Category: Dispatch Default: Maxsev = 3
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Defines the maximum severity level to be included in the LinkScan Dispatch Reports.
Mimetypes Syntax: Mimetypes Mimetypes mime-type [D|H|J|S|T]
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Enables the scanning (via HTTP) of additional document types based on their MIME (Content-type) header. Analogous to the File System Scanning equivalents: Htmlfiles, Mapfiles, Pdffiles, Flashfiles and Textfiles. Documents are interpreted as follows: D=PDF, H=HTML, J=JavaScript, S=Shockwave/Flash, T=Text.
Mimetypes application/x-javascript J
Mirrorurl [1] Syntax: Mirrorurl = absolute-url
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Instructs LinkScan to send all HTTP requests to the Mirrorurl address even though, logically, it behaves as if it is scanning a different host.
Mirrorurl =
Msiis [1] Syntax: Msiis = boolean
Category: System Default: Msiis = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Set Msiis = 1 when you are using LinkScan in conjunction with a Microsoft IIS/PWS installation running on your computer. This enables a workaround to an IIS bug.
Nameservers [1] Syntax: Nameservers = ipaddress [, ipaddress]...
Category: External Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets default name servers. Only used when active mailto: checking is enabled. See references.
Noexternal Syntax: Noexternal = boolean
Category: External Default: Noexternal = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Noexternal = 1 disable validation of all External links.
Nofollow [1] Syntax: Nofollow relative-path-expression
Category: Scope Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Do not analyze documents matching relative-path-expression. LinkScan will validate links to pages matching this pattern but it will ignore all links flowing out of pages matching this pattern.
Noforms [1] Syntax: Noforms = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Noforms = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Noforms = 1 do not validate links found within <FORM ACTION=...> tags.
Noindex [1] Syntax: Noindex = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Noindex = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Ignore links contained within <NOINDEX></NOINDEX> code blocks unless they are unique (i.e. new and not already seen during the current scan.
Noorphan [1] Syntax: Noorphan = boolean
Category: File Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Do not scan for Orphaned Files (equiv. -noorphans).
Noorphans [1] Syntax: Noorphans relative-path-expression
Category: File Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Do not scan directories matching relative-path-expression for Orphaned Files.
Noprojectlist Syntax: Noprojectlist = boolean
Category: Security Default: Noprojectlist = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Noprojectlist = Prompt for Project versus displaying drop-down list
Noproxy [1] Syntax: Noproxy = hostname-expression [, hostname-expression]...
Category: System Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Bypass any configured Proxy Server and use direct Network (HTTP) access to any hosts matching hostname-expression.
Nostaticmenu Syntax: Nostaticmenu = boolean
Category: Security Default: Nostaticmenu = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
When Nostaticmenu = 1 disable the LinkScan Toolbar on command-line generated reports.
Notapmapoptions Syntax: Notapmapoptions = boolean
Category: Security Default: Notapmapoptions = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
When Notapmapoptions = 1 disable the Options Menu on LinkScan/TapMap.
Onlyfollow Syntax: Onlyfollow relative-path-expression
Category: Scope Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Only scan areas of the website matching relative-path-expression. Validate but do not follow all other Internal links.
Onlyinclude Syntax: Onlyinclude relative-path-expression
Category: Scope Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Only scan areas of the website matching relative-path-expression. Completely ignore all other Internal links.
Onlyorphans [1] Syntax: Onlyorphans relative-path-expression
Category: File Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Only scan directories matching relative-path-expression for Orphaned Files.
Organization Syntax: Organization = string
Category: Basic Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Name of the organization/department associated with this Project (will appear on the subsequent reports).
Orphanfile [1] Syntax: Orphanfile = absolute-path
Category: File Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Specifies the absolute pathname to a file containing data regarding orphaned files, created by the lsfind utility. See references.
Owner [1] Syntax: Owner relative-path-expression owner-name
Category: Owner Default: Owner *1
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Set document ownership. Documents with pathnames matching relative-path-expression are assigned to owner-name.
Owner mydirectory/ ownedbyme
Owneralias [1] Syntax: Owneralias expression owner-name
Category: Owner Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Used to manipulate Ownernames. Normally used in conjunction with Ownertags. See references.
Ownerq [1] Syntax: Ownerq relative-path-expression owner-name
Category: Owner Default: Ownerq *1
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Set document ownership. Documents with pathnames matching relative-path-expression are assigned to owner-name. Unlike the Owner command which operates on the pathname portion of the URL, Ownerq operates on the full URL including any query string.
Ownerq somescript\?.*SomeOwnerParam=([^&]+) $1
Ownertags [1] Syntax: Ownertags = expression
Category: Owner Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Used to assign document Ownership based on META tags. See references.
Pdffiles [1] Syntax: Pdffiles = file-extension [, file-extension]...
Category: File Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When using File System Scanning, any file with this extension is interpreted using the PDF Document format. When using Network (HTTP) Scanning, a non-blank entry causes LinkScan to interpret any link with a Content-Type: application/pdf header using the PDF Document format.
Perlpath [1] Syntax: Perlpath = absolute-path
Category: System Default: Perlpath = Automatically set during installation
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Absolute pathname to the Perl executable on your computer.
Probe [1] Syntax: Probe = integer
Category: CustomScan Default: Probe = 4
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Enable LinkScan diagnostic trace -- written to .../project-name/data/ The following bit-wise switches may be logically OR'ed: 1 = Trace full HTTP Headers 2 = Trace full HTTP Headers and (HTML) Document Bodies 4 = Trace all Cookies, Auth Requests and Sessionmatch operations 8 = Reserved for LinkScan Technical Support 128 = Disable all buffering on
Profiler [1] Syntax: Profiler = integer
Category: CustomScan Default: Profiler = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Enables the LinkScan Profiler.
Profiler = 1 # Profile internal links
Profilerlog [1] Syntax: Profilerlog = integer
Category: CustomScan Default: Profilerlog = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Enables a detailed trace of the LinkScan Profiler results. The log is written to: .../LinkScan/Projectname/data/
Profilermax [1] Syntax: Profilermax = integer
Category: CustomScan Default: Profilermax = 200
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Sets the trigger level threshold for the LinkScan Profiler.
Projectdesc Syntax: Projectdesc = string
Category: Basic Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
A description for this Project (will appear on the subsequent reports).
Proxyauth [1] Syntax: Proxyauth = "username:password"
Category: System Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the username and password to use in conjunction with a Proxy Server that requires authentication (if any).
Proxyauth = "mylogin:mysecretpass"
Proxymatch [1] Syntax: Proxymatch Proxymatch [http|https|*] [host:port|direct] ["user:pass"] host1, host2...
Category: System Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
The Proxymatch command may be used to configure complex proxy rules that are not handled by the (simpler) Proxyserver/Proxyport commands. Multiple Proxymatch commands are evaluated in the order specified with the last match assuming precedence.
Proxyport [1] Syntax: Proxyport = integer
Category: System Default: Proxyport = 80
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the Port number to use in conjunction with your Proxy Server (if any).
Proxyserver [1] Syntax: Proxyserver = hostname
Category: System Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the Hostname or IP address of your HTTP Proxy Server (if any). Do not enter a URL address.
Redirect Syntax: Redirect relative-path-expression absolute-url-expression
Category: File Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Used to simulate a webserver configured redirection when using File System Scanning.
Redirect documents/oldpage.html
Relaxanchor Syntax: Relaxanchor = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Relaxanchor = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Enable relaxed anchor checking. Anchor checks are made case insensitive. Superflous '#' characters at the beginning of the NAME attribute are ignored.
Reportsdir [1] Syntax: Reportsdir = absolute-path
Category: CustomReport Default: Reportsdir = Automatically set during installation
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the path to the directory in which the LinkScan reports are created. Only used when generating reports from the command-line.
Retryext [1] Syntax: Retryext = boolean
Category: External Default: Retryext = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When Retryext=1, LinkScan will track all External links that appear to fail due to network related errors (e.g. DNS, connect and timeout errors). These links will be retested at the end of the scan. This tends to reduce the number of transient errors reported but the scan may require a little more time to complete.
Scriptdisable Syntax: Scriptdisable = boolean
Category: JavaScript Default: Scriptdisable = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Disable checking of links embedded within JavaScript. Equivalent to: Scriptexclude .*
Scriptexclude [1] Syntax: Scriptexclude expression
Category: JavaScript Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
JavaScript code blocks matching expression are discarded and not scanned for links.
Scriptmatch [1] Syntax: Scriptmatch expression
Category: JavaScript Default: Scriptmatch (\w+://\S+|\S+/$|\S+\?\S+|\S+\.([a-z]{2,3}|[js]?html?|Z)$)
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Patterns used to control the scanning of JavaScript constructs. You should not normally need to change these from their defaults.
Scriptnomatch [1] Syntax: Scriptnomatch expression
Category: JavaScript Default: Scriptnomatch .*([\(\)\[\]\{\}\']|document\.\S+|\.(src|com)$)
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Patterns used to control the scanning of JavaScript constructs. You should not normally need to change these from their defaults.
Selecturl [1] Syntax: Selecturl expression
Category: JavaScript Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
The contents of select tags (drop-down lists) with name attributed matching expression are processed as links versus arbitrary data.
Sendmailpath [1] [2] Syntax: Sendmailpath = absolute-path
Category: Dispatch Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the absolute pathname to the sendmail executable on your computer.
Sessionmatch [1] Syntax: Sessionmatch = expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Used to capture, save, manipulate items such as session numbers. See references.
Showredirectext Syntax: Showredirectext = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Showredirectext = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When checking External links, LinkScan will report any redirections and report the status of the final (redirected) link.
Slaves1 Syntax: Slaves1 = integer
Category: System Default: Slaves1 = 3
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys,linkscan.cfg
Sets the number of simultaneous HTTP connections to be used when scanning the Internal links.
Slaves2 Syntax: Slaves2 = integer
Category: System Default: Slaves2 = 3
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys,linkscan.cfg
Sets the number of simultaneous HTTP connections to be used when scanning the External links.
Slavesfast1 Syntax: Slavesfast1 = integer
Category: System Default: Slavesfast1 = 5
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys,linkscan.cfg
Sets the number of simultaneous HTTP connections to be used when scanning the Internal links with the -fast option.
Slavesfast2 Syntax: Slavesfast2 = integer
Category: System Default: Slavesfast2 = 12
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys,linkscan.cfg
Sets the number of simultaneous HTTP connections to be used when scanning the External links with the -fast option.
Statuscode [1] Syntax: Statuscode statuscode, severity
Category: CustomReport Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Modifies the severity associated with statuscode.
1=Error; 2=Possible Error; 3=Warning; 4=Advisory; 5=Good.
Statuscode = 301,3 # 301 (Moved Permanently) from Error to Warning
Substitute [1] Syntax: Substitute relative-path-expression expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Manipulate links on-the-fly. See references.
Substituteraw [1] Syntax: Substituteraw relative-path-expression expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Manipulate links on-the-fly. See references.
Substitutescript [1] Syntax: Substitutescript relative-path-expression expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Manipulate links on-the-fly. See references.
Taglimit [1] Syntax: Taglimit relative-path-expression integer
Category: Scope Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When integer links matching relative-path-expression have been scanned, LinkScan ignores all subsequent matching links.
Tagonce [1] Syntax: Tagonce relative-path-expression
Category: Database Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Links matching relative-path-expression are stored only once, regardless of how many references are seen. Typically used to prevent thousands of references to "blank/filler" images from adding excessive bulk to the LinkScan database.
Tagonce .*blank\.gif$
Textfiles [1] Syntax: Textfiles = file-extension [, file-extension]...
Category: File Default: Textfiles = txt
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
When using File System Scanning, any file with this extension is interpreted as a plaintext document. When using Network (HTTP) Scanning, any link with a Content-Type: text/plain header is interpreted as indicating plaintext format.
Timeout1 Syntax: Timeout1 = integer
Category: System Default: Timeout1 = 20
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys,linkscan.cfg
Timeout (in seconds) for first attempt to contact site.
Timeout2 Syntax: Timeout2 = integer
Category: System Default: Timeout2 = 40
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys,linkscan.cfg
Timeout (in seconds) for second attempt to contact site.
Unsafechar [1] Syntax: Unsafechar = string
Category: Misc Default: Unsafechar = <>`"
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Unsafe characters. Do not escape these.
Usecookiefile Syntax: Usecookiefile = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Usecookiefile = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
If enabled, LinkScan will pre-load its cookie-jar from the file cookies.txt in the current Project directory.
Useloginfile Syntax: Useloginfile = boolean
Category: CustomScan Default: Useloginfile = 1
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
If enabled, LinkScan will process any links contained within the file login.txt in the current Project directory, prior to the start of the scan.
Userdata Syntax: Userdata [123] match-expression expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Extract user specified data from document (e.g. from META tags).
Userdata 1 (?i)<meta[^>]*emp-badge-no\s*=\s*"(\d+) $1
Userdatafmt Syntax: Userdatafmt [123] [DHLTX] integer[LRC] caption
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Format user specified data. D=date; H=hot links; L=link; T=truncate to format; X=normal
20R=20 chars right adjusted; 40L=40 chars left adjusted
Userdatafmt 1 X 10R Badge Number
Userdatasub Syntax: Userdatasub [123] expression expression
Category: CustomScan Default: none
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Perform RegExp manipulations on user data fields.
Weblintoptions [1] [2] Syntax: Weblintoptions = string
Category: System Default: Weblintoptions = -d extension-markup,extension-attribute
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets command-line options that are automatically passed to weblint.
Weblintpath [1] [2] Syntax: Weblintpath = absolute-path
Category: System Default: Weblintpath = C:/LinkScan/weblint/weblint
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Sets the full pathname to the weblint executable.
Wildtlds [1] Syntax: Wildtlds = comma separated list of TLD's
Category: System Default: Wildtlds = com,net
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.sys
Enable checks for wildcard records in the listed Top Level Domains (TLD's). Prevents false negatives on DNS lookups caused by TLD wildcard records.
Winhttp Syntax: Winhttp = boolean
Category: Security Default: Winhttp = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Use the native Microsoft Windows implementation of HTTP. Useful when "NTLM" authentication required.
Xmeta Syntax: Xmeta = expression
Category: CustomScan Default: Xmeta = 0
Type: Single-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Extract an extra meta tag (matching expression) from each HTML document. Only effective in conjunction with Collectmeta.
Xmlmatch Syntax: Xmlmatch expression
Category: CustomScan Default: Xmlmatch 0
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Define patterns for link extraction from XML documents.
Xmlnomatch Syntax: Xmlnomatch expression
Category: CustomScan Default: Xmlnomatch 0
Type: Multi-valued Used by: linkscan.cfg
Define exclusion patterns for link extraction from XML documents.

LinkScan for Unix. Reference Manual. Section 26. LinkScan Quick Reference Card
LinkScan Version 11.6
© Copyright 1997-2006 Electronic Software Publishing Corporation (Elsop)
LinkScan™ and Elsop™ are Trademarks of Electronic Software Publishing Corporation

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