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Submit to Search Engines World Wide

Before you think about submitting to Search engines, you might like to make sure there are no dead links on your site

Click here to have them located and repaired


  • AltaVista - just your home page will do, you can't submit more than five individual pages anyway

  • Excite - you'll need to pick a general category, geographical region, and language from pull-down menus

  • Google - type in your URL, and click the button, never mind the "Comments" box

  • Hotbot - submitting here will actually get you into the Inktomi index, which is where Hotbot gets its engine results (directory results come from ODP, see below)

  • Lycos - Lycos owns HotBot, but the Lycos crawler index is completely separate, you should submit to both sites

  • Northern Light - submit your home page URL, and a couple of "inner" pages for good measure

  • FAST - not as essential as the engines above, but worth submitting

  • WebTop - this one is based in the UK, so give it special consideration if you're submitting a Euro site

  • NZSearch - A NZ site

  • AccessNZ - NZ again

  • Sofcom - An Australian Search engine for websites and Email addresses

  • INeedHits.com - Submit to 28 engines for free

  • Add Me! - List with 25 engines

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