Install Help

This file must be located inside your 'editor_files' folder or it will not work! Do not re-name this file!

This file attempts to guess information that might help you to set up your config.php file.

This file might not work for everyone!

Set your WP_FILE_DIRECTORY to: '/home/nixnut/public_html/home/WysiwygPro/editor_files/'

Set your WP_WEB_DIRECTORY to: '/home/WysiwygPro/editor_files/'

I can't help you much with your IMAGE_FILE_DIRECTORY because I don't know where you store images but it will be something like: '/home/nixnut/public_html/home/WysiwygPro/images/'

I can't help you much with your IMAGE_WEB_DIRECTORY either because I don't know where you store images but it will be something like: '/home/WysiwygPro/images/'

I can't help you much with your DOCUMENT_FILE_DIRECTORY because I don't know where you store downloadable documents but it will be something like: '/home/nixnut/public_html/home/WysiwygPro/downloads/'

I can't help you much with your DOCUMENT_WEB_DIRECTORY either because I don't know where you store downloadable documents but it will be something like: '/home/WysiwygPro/downloads/'
